Category Archives: Successful Learners

Our right to play mural

I can create a range of visual information through observing and recording from my experiences across the curriculum.

EXA 0-04a / EXA 1-04a

Through observing and recording from my experiences across the curriculum, I can create images and objects which show my awareness and recognition of detail.

EXA 2-04a

Here is a selection of our mural entires. The Eco committee will judge the competition and we are hoping to start the painting during our Eco Action week, when we return in term 4.

P1/2 are getting Glow-ing !

Primary 1/2  developing their ICT skills and logging into the Scottish intranet, Glow.

I can access, retrieve and use information from electronic sources to support, enrich or extend learning in different contexts. TCH 1-03b

All children will receive a leaflet outlining the benefits of Glow and how it can be accessed at school and home. On the back of the leaflet you will find your child’s own login and password. Please contact the school if your child encounters any problems logging on or if you have any other questions.