Kilbowie – Day 1

Calderbank’s P7 pupils arrived safely at Kilbowie Outdoor Centre and have wasted no time, jumping straight into the action! As well as several activities since arriving, pupils have met their instructors for the week and discussed the types of activities they are going to tackle. We will make attempts to update the blog each night with photographs and messages home – feel free to comment on our posts and we will try to catch up with our mail before we sleep. Bye for now!

I miss you mum, dad and Bonnie – even Rebecca a little too! I jumped off a pier into the sea today and it was freezing! Love Jenna.

I am really enjoying myself at Kilbowie. Miss and love you all loads (especially Sherdon). Love Savannah.

Thanks for the note mum! Had a really good day and more adventures to come tomorrow. Love Thomas.

Hi mum, Gerrard, Ellis and Erin. Made it here safely and I am still in one piece. Big day tomorrow – I’ll send a message at night to let you know how I get on. Love Ethan.

Hey mum, dad, James and Emilia. Having a great time and missing you all. We are going skiing first thing tomorrow! Love Lewis.

Hi mum! I am having a really good time and missing you! I will message you tomorrow and let you know what we do in our first full day! Love Liam.

Hi mum and dad. Enjoying myself and had a busy but fun first day. The water is very cold up here! Love Callum.

2 thoughts on “Kilbowie – Day 1”

  1. Hi Liam, happy birthday. We hope you enjoy your week in Kilbowie. Dad & I are looking forward to seeing more photos on the school blog so keep us posted. Have fun & make the most of your time in Oban. Love & miss you, Mum & Dad.

  2. It’s great to see you having such a wonderful time. Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures on Friday. Mrs Welsh

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