Kilbowie – Day 3

Day three has come to an end and P7 have enjoyed more fabulous activities and even more fabulous weather. We hope you enjoy today’s pictures!

Hi again everyone. Today I went kayaking and canoeing – I didn’t really want to do the kayaking at first but eventually I gave it a go and loved it. I’m still having a great time. Miss you all. Lewis x

Hi mum. I went kayaking today and thankfully I didn’t fall in. Derek took us on a safari and we saw some animals that he had caught. Derek was really funny! Goodnight and see you soon. Ethan x

Hi mum and dad. We went on a safari and it was very funny because the instructor called Derek asked me a question and when I answered he called me a numpty and to stand up. Nobody chose the same answer as me and it turned out I was right and they were the numpties. I am gorge walking tomorrow and can’t wait. Love Callum.

It was Mr Bissett’s last full day today so this evening we all walked down into Oban and got some ice cream together. We also got to see a pipe band practising in the middle of the town. My trainers have dried out now. J Thomas x

We got to see some trapped animals at safari today. We also got to go down to Oban for an ice cream. I had a raspberry one – it was good. Miss you loads. Liam x

My teammates and I went canoeing and we went to some huge rocks and jumped off them. It was really high and took me a while to build up the courage. I did it though! We all went down to Oban and got some ice cream. We saw a pipe band while we were there. See you soon! Jenna x x x

We went canoeing to some cliffs today and I climbed to the top and jumped off. I wasn’t going to do it but the instructor said it would be a cool thing to tell everyone I had done and that helped me be a little braver. I also went rock climbing and climbed up some cliffs near the beach. We also walked into Oban for some ice cream. I got mint choc chip and it was yummy! Lots of love, Savannah  x x

5 thoughts on “Kilbowie – Day 3”

  1. Hi Liam, some more great photos on blog. Good to see you’re all enjoying yourselves. Those ice-creams looked good – I’m sure you’ve earned it after all your hard work. Love Mum &

  2. Hi Thomas, looks like another fantastic day, weather looks great too. You have been lucky going in August. Been great seeing photos and reading messages. Still missing you and looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and hearing all about it. Love. Mum, Dad and Olivia. p.s enjoy your last night.

  3. It looks as though you are all having a fantastic time! I’m glad to see and hear that you are taking part in all the activities, even when they seem scary at first! Looking forward to welcoming you all back to Calderbank!

  4. Hi Lewis, glad that you are still having a good time and trying new things. We are so proud of you!
    We all miss you, even James, who said that he has had no one to annoy this week, so he’s started annoying me !
    Cannot wait to hear all about it tomorrow.
    Love Mum,Dad, James and Emilia xxx

  5. Kilbowie was the best trip ever!! Thanks to Mr Bissett and Mr Murry for looking after us.

    From lewis Doyle

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