The children enjoyed a fantastic trip to Terex in Newhouse. They were given a guided tour of the plant and even treated to lunch in the boardroom!
Monthly Archives: April 2014
P5/6/7 Internet Safety
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P5/6/7 Owl inspired artwork
P5/6/7 used their visit from the ‘World of Wings’ to inspire their latest artwork! They explored line and pattern to create these wonderful owls.
Our Bug Hotel
P1/2 have been busy collecting leaves, twigs and moss for our new bug hotel. Hopefully some insects and bugs will move in soon!
Crime Scene Investigation
PC Cumming and his colleagues joined P5/6/7 to solve a crime in Calderbank Primary. The children were involved in investigating the  scene by collecting evidence and taking statements.
The Human Body
P5/6/7 have been learning about the human body and have been investigating the joints in the human skeleton.
Easter Egg Fundraiser
The Parent Council Easter Egg competition. Look at our wonderful creations!
End of term 3 reward
Our ‘Terrific Tens’ were treated to a morning with the ‘World Of Wings’. We were delighted that all our children achieved 10 full green weeks and were able to take part in the visit from the birds of prey.
P1/2 Spring Tea
Primary 1/2 entertained friends and family during an afternoon of poetry, song and dance! Some of our new entrants and their parents came along to join in the fun too.