Calderbank Primary celebrates 120 years!

On the 28th of November 1892, Calderbank Primary was open to pupils and we are still proud to serve the local community today ! We had a wonderful time on St. Andrew’s day, 2012 when the community came together to help use commemorate 120 years of Calderbank Primary. It was a fabulous afternoon when we shared the past, present and future of Calderbank with our family and friends.

We designed a wallhanging to celebrate 120 years of Calderbank Primary school. Every child in the school drew a picture, representing an aspect of life in our community.

Ellis Rodger painted a wonderful picture of the school building which we used at the centre of our design. We asked Mrs Carson to unveil it on our special day and it now takes pride of place in our school hall for all to see.

We enjoyed sharing our learning with our guests. P6/7 were in character as they were transported back in time to days gone by. Mrs Young was a very strict Victorian school ma’am and the children used their slates and quill pens to learn their lessons.

Our Head Teacher, Mrs Welsh celebrating our 120 years with our youngest and eldest pupils.

A Rights Respecting School

Click on the Unicef logo to visit the official website for more information.

This term we will be looking closely at the UN Rights of the Child and our Rights and Responsibilities in school. We are hoping that all our good work over the new year will help us to achieve a very prestigious award called ‘Rights Respecting Schools’ issued by the charitable organisation Unicef. It recognises the work children themselves do in raising awareness of their rights and the rights of all children across the world. With Rights comes Responsibilities and at Calderbank we will be working very hard to ensure that we are all aware of our rights and what we need to do to fulfil our responsibilities as Responsible Citizens of Calderbank Primary School.

Calderbank – Eco School

Hi everyone, Calderbank Primary have been trying very hard over the years to become more Eco  friendly. We are working towards our first Eco flag and we are very confident that it will be flying outside our school very soon !

Meet our  Eco Committee !

How can you  help ?

We will be organising a community clean up very soon and would really like your support. If any members of the local community would like to help us in this please contact the school.