Rates of self-harm, particularly in young people have been increasing. There are a variety of reasons why a child or young person may self-harm – however, it is important to remember that it is never ‘just a call for attention’.

If you are concerned for a child or young person, below are some resources you can check out for guidance and advice.
YoungMinds provides advice for both the parent/carer, and the young person themselves
North Ayrshire Self Harm Project
The North Ayrshire Self Harm Project for young people 10 and over provides a non-judgemental, person centred service to residents of North Ayrshire who self-harm, including adults. We also explore the needs of family, carers and professionals in contact with young people who self harm.
The Project provides one to one support to people who wish to reduce/stop self harm as well as working throughout North Ayrshire to raise awareness of self harm issues.
If you would like to get involved in the Project, we accept self referrals and referrals from agencies (NB if someone is over 21 years of age we require a self referral). As part of Penumbra’s referral process, we would be grateful if the person who is making the referral could complete a North Ayrshire Self Harm Referral form.
North Ayrshire Self Harm Project • Penumbra
Penumbra have recently updated their website and are still in the process of uploading documents. For the self-referral sheet please either email Penumbra at west@penumbra.org.uk