Useful Resources for parents:
The A-Z of Sensory Learning Activities
Coronavirus Specific:
Praactical AAC – Resources for dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic
Social Distancing Social Story
Some other websites for home learning are below, simply click on the link to take you to the website:
Cbeebies: Lots of games and resources for younger learners
Poisson Rouge: Text-free games and activitiesICT Games: Free educational games
CBBC: Lots of games and resources for older learners
Ian Bean: Accessible activities and support materials
Count on: Maths games and resources
Story Books Online: Illustrated children’s books online
Primary Resources: S.E.N. Resources & Specific Material for Special Schools
British Council Short Stories: Short stories with videos and activities
Starfall: Songs, Stories and Games
Symbol World: News, stories and learning materials for symbol users
Doorway Online: Free and highly accessible educational games