Author Archives: Mrs Inglis


Good Morning!

I hope you are all happy and safe at home! This morning I have made you a wee video to watch, and some nice activities to try, using your looking skills and moving your hands and fingers.

If the weather is nice why not go outside and try some?

There are some writing activities below too if any of you would like to do some different mark making! Or just use some paper and some pens or chunky crayons and paper, or chalk on the ground…..?

Have lots of fun!  And enjoy the weekend!

Mrs Inglis

Easter craft ideas

Hello everyone!

With Easter fast approaching I thought I’d post some nice craft ideas to try over the coming weeks.  Just a nice bit of (hopefully!) relaxing fun to share…..! Lots of colours, textures and materials to explore.

If you like some music when doing art (like we do in class!) there are some fun Easter songs at the end of this post too…..

Have lots of fun!  And Happy Easter when it comes…..

Mrs Inglis







Spring Chicks Egg Carton Craft

Okay….. A bit of grown up help is needed here, however the kids could paint the egg box, paint green paint onto paper and perhaps help to cut out.  You could also paint and cut some yellow ducks…. Use any numbers you may have and you have the perfect accessory for the ‘5 little ducks song’! (below)

Five little ducks nursery rhyme craft for kids. Make a simple small world from a recycled egg carton. Perfect for pretend play and acting out the rhyme for toddlers, preschoolers, eyfs.

A fun Easter Egg craft using marbled paper made with shaving cream! The kids will have so much fun getting a little messy and creating some Easter decorations!

Shaving Cream Marbled Paper Easter Eggs


Art Ideas

Good Morning everyone!

I love doing art with the kids!  Here are some nice art ideas about the weather, using different techiques and materials.  As Miss Mitrou posted our morning group songs and weather songs last week why not try some of these art ideas too?   You could make one after the songs depending on the weather that day?   Add in some maths by counting the raindrops on the picture or the rays on your sun?  Talk about the colours in the rainbow?   Then keep your lovely pictures  to look at in future during the songs!


Art learning intention

Rain and Wind Process Art

Easy Rain Craft for Kids

Easy Rain Craft for Kids - Crafts on Sea #preschool #toddler #kidscrafts

Easy Art Projects: Puffy Cloud Paintings

Make puffy cloud art with your kids

Paper Plate Sun and Rainbow Craft

Pappteller Sun und Rainbow Craft

Squish Painted Sun Craft - This is such a fun, mess free painting, sun craft for kids to make. Perfect summer craft for kids or to celebrate the summer solstice (preschool, prek, toddler, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade)

Hundreds of easy crafts & activity ideas for having fun with Preschool age children.

I’m sure you will have more ideas – use what you have and have some fun!!

Happy crafting!

Stay safe and happy!

Mrs Inglis

Sensory pre writing activities

Video Player

Sports relief

Mull Class enjoyed some Sports Relief activities last week, and did brilliantly taking part in our daily challenges.  We did dance, trampoline, walking and using the bikes, coming together as a whole school on Friday for our final challenges.    Well done everyone! Here are some of the photos we managed to get……