Author Archives: Mrs Kelly

Ice Bucket Challenge .

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on Friday 23rd of September we held an ice bucket challenge to raise money for jeans for genes   mrs bennet mr law mrs gribben and mrs Kelly were all nominated to have buckets of water thown over them

each pupil got the chance to throw a bucket of water over their chosen member of staff we raised £80 for jeans for genes and had great fun.


Pictures chosen by Bute class

Blogged by PL

Science at Haysholm

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CK enjoys the sensory story finding fish in the water.

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GM investigates the magnets at science week.


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DL and JM create volcanos at the Science experiment.


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RB put out flames with water and carbonated soda.



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RB DL all went into the bubble at the science experiment.



DSC05391 DSC05392 DSC05393  DSC05395 DSC05397 DSC05398 DSC05399 DSC05400DSC05389DSC05388DSC05385DSC05380DSC05369Science week was really great fun and all the pupils participated in all events.

Term 4 in Arran Class

What a busy term we have ahead of us, the pupils have already started preparing for the Summer Garden Party Tue 7 th June (Save the date) We have bought some lovely items to make gifts for selling and planted seeds, so here’s hoping we get some lovely sunshine to bring our plants on.



Our Scouts session   is coming to an end and the pupils received many badges at the parents afternoon last week.





We all got together to celebrate KG 18 th birthday, What a fantastic afternoon we had.



After all that partying, a bit of exercise was needed, Every Thursday Arran class will visit all Ability Cycles in Kilmarnock to get the pupil all fit and healthy for the summer.





Our first day at All Ability ended with a bit of a drama with a certain little angel, setting the fire alarm off, Pupils enjoyed seeing the fire brigade coming to the rescue.