Author Archives: Miss Boyd

Week ending 10 November

We have a few more star pupils this term they are:


GF was a successful learner whilst being the lunch helper.



SS was a successful learner for cutting up her fruit.



JT was a confident individual whilst participating in Fit 15 independently.



KA was a successful learner choosing a game on Eye Gaze.


We have been learning lots about our bodies through our IDL topic work.  We danced to Dem Bones Skeleton dance and we labelled the different parts of  bodies.  We also watched The Magic School bus film.

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5 more star pupils

5 more star pupils this term have been


was a successful learner for independently updating the calendar on the grouptime board and reading out loud to his friends.



was a successful learner for independently learning to cut hard fruit.



was a confident individual for independently following “touch the stars” routine at Fit 15.



was a successful learner for independently putting up his timetable.



was an effective contributor for helping JT to do an alphabet jigsaw.

Term 1 learning

As part of our IDL topic Journey Through My Body we were learning how to measure ourselves.

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We were making a cotton bud skeleton for our hall display.

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Home economics this term is all about learning to peel and chop.  We practised our cutting skills on play doh first and then we cut up some apples and strawberries.  Some of us even tasted the strawberries.

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Golden time on Friday was great fun.  See for yourselves, the boys had loads of fun playing with shaving foam.

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…………………….and everyone else enjoyed  their own choice of activity.

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