Author Archives: Miss Boyd

Week ending 3/02/2017

Star pupil for this week is……….


She was a confident individual following instructions at yoga independently.


We celebrated Chinese New Year by making lanterns.

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We made Chinese dragon pictures.

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We made hand prints which we used as the tail feathers for our Chinese rooster.

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We made Chinese Happy New Year cards where we typed our own insert using the Printmaster software.

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K.A and S enjoying a Rockhopper  swimming lesson at Stanecastle School.

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Numeracy work  this week shows JT learning ‘addition’.

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GF using his numeracy and literacy skills whilst taking the class register.

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KC was using his literacy skills to select his folder, organize and read his own daily timetable.

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Jura class would like to say bye bye and good luck to Suzanna Gemmell who is moving on to pastures new.  Thanks for all your help.


Skye Class had a great time this week celebrating birthdays.  First it was  Robert Burns Day we joined in with the whole school celebrations and performed Katie Bairdie!

We were a great success.

On Thursday it was R.B`s 6th birthday. We had a party in the class with our friends  and enjoyed playing party games. Oh, and then we had  juice and cake.

Happy Birthday R.B XxX

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Week ending 20/01/2017

Snowy start to the week.  Most of the pupils enjoyed it.

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We have been making our own Scottish flags as part of our Scottish theme.

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The star pupil for this week was jack-taylorJ was a confident individual independently and confidently using the mic to say his lines as Joseph in the Christmas nativity.

Busy Term!

We have been working hard in Skye class this term.

There’s  been lots of firsts for some of us, but we have done all great.

At PE we were learning to use the apparatus

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We took Part in the whole school St Andrews Day celebrations.


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Enjoyed learning the story of The Jolly Postman and playing with the post office, we also had the responsibility of delivering the Christmas cards to our friends  within the school.

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For the Christmas Fayre we helped  make shortbread and filled bags with sweets.

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Oh helped at the Christmas Raffle!

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Took part in the school Nativity Service.

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All the staff and pupils from Skye Class would like to wish you all

A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !



Last blog of the year for 2016

The start of this term has been really busy.  We’ve been doing lots of different activities.  Here is the evidence.

We celebrated St Andrews day with some lovely Scottish food and Scottish dancing afterwards.

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We had fun using the magic carpet.

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We had our own Comic Relief event with GF collecting the money from staff and pupils.  img_0278 img_0309 img_0305 img_0299 img_0296 img_0290 img_0282 img_0284 img_0288 img_0312


We learned how to cut and chop Mars bars to make into a traybake to sell at the Christmas fayre.

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As part of our Christmas activities we took part in A Miracle in Town.

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We were learning to name and match the character in the nativity story.



We made Christmas cards using buttons as decorations.

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For numeracy we have been learning all about 2D shapes.  We cut out and decorated circles and triangles to make a Christmas tree for our hall display.

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And we also learned about symmetry when we were painting the presents to go under the tree.

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