Author Archives: Miss Boyd

Week ending 26/05/2017

This week he had a visit from the Irvine Royal Academy science department.  We tried  lots of different activities including making a lava lamp, standing inside a bubble, understanding magnets, making our own fire extinguisher, mixing up coloured goo, using static electricity to stop water running, using our fine motor skills to navigate round the bell wire, playing a tune using glass water beakers and watching bath bombs magically disappear.  And in the afternoon we had our own Haysholm science carousel within our classes.  We tried making rain clouds, making sensory paint bags, planting a sunflower seed, hot air ping pong balls and transferring sand to different sized containers.  Everyone really enjoyed the day and we look forward to the next time.


Star pupil this week is…..

SS was a successful learner participating in the science activities.


Week ending 19/05/2017

Star pupil this week is….

GF was a confident individual listening to instructions at Stanecastle swimming pool.


On task this week for some literacy and numeracy work.



We had a visit from  this week.  Most of us had a great sensory experience looking at and touching the different animals.


We’ve all been working really hard tidying up our different areas in the garden.  You’ll have to come along to our garden party to see for yourselves.



Week ending 12/05/2017

Now that the  has came out it is time to get gardening.  The boys worked as a team to clear and prepare our class plot for some new plants this year.


Snack Healthy helper this week is GF.  Here he is setting up with minimal support in the kitchen.


Star pupil this week is …..

JT was a confident individual for listening to and following instructions at Stanecastle swimming pool.

Week ending 28/04/2017

Our star pupil this week is…....

KC was a confident individual listening to and following instructions at the Stanecastle swimming pool.


We were all learning to SS had a great time tubing at the 


K, J and G all enjoyed their first lesson at Stanecastle swimming pool.

KA also enjoyed her first week at the  All Abilities Cycles in Kilmarnock.

Week ending 31/03/2017

This week we have been making an Easter picture.


We have started making our Happy Feet display.  We used rollers and sponges to make an icy cold background for our penguins.



We used our literacy skills to write and type the inserts  on our Mother’s Day cards.


2 more star pupils……….

SS was a successful learner independently completing a variety of 25+ jigsaws.


GF was a confident individual independently cycling round the track on a two wheeler bike with stabilisers.


Waste Week

Skye class made Maracas from used plastic bottles. This tied in with their Lion King Topic. They then played along to the music.




As part of waste week Skye class started a long term project for the Sensory Garden. We have already begun  collecting bottle tops in the school, but as you can see from the photographs we will need loads more, apart from green 🙂




Week ending 10/03/2017

   As we are an eco school we have been taking part in “Waste Week”.  We have incorporated this into our topic “Happy Feet”,  by making fish from recycled card, tin foil and buttons.

Blogged by SS.


KA celebrated “World Book Day” by reading her SpongeBob Square Pants book.

 Blogged by JT.


KC, SS, JT and GF celebrated “World Book Day” by interacting and listening to “We’re Going On A Bear Hunt”.


Blogged by GF.


This  week our star pupil was …..

JT was a successful learner following a 2 part verbal instruction independently.

Blogged by KC.
