Lewis Class

Good Morning to all our pupils in Lewis Class. It’s strange times and I know the weeks and months ahead are going to present many challenges for us all. Please be assured that we are here to offer you support throughout and don’t hesitate to contact us. I will give you my email address in order that if you have a more specific question regarding your own child’s education or suitable activities for them, you can contact me this way.


I thought it might be helpful to give you an idea of the types of activities Lewis Class do throughout the week and should you wish to dip in/out of the activities or to follow in a more structures way.

As I work Monday to Wednesday I will be able to give you information and advice on these days and Mrs Coia will be able to advice on the second half of the week.

Fit 15

This will help to regulate the children’s sense and help to settle them to an activity. The following songs are familiar to the pupils and are all found on you tube.

Let’s Go To the Zoo

If you’re happy and you know it

One little Finger

We all fall down

Sine your way

Group time Activities

Welcome song – you tube


Pupils orientate to the day of the week and the weather outside


CMcC, RB and KF have different group time tasks, please email me if you wish this information.


Lots of life skills – pupils choose /collect own cutlery and plates / spreading, cutting / washing up.

Activity Trays

Please contact me for individual activities and pupils activity tray targets for this term and I can provide more information.


Our focus for literacy this term was exploring books in all forms i.e. sensory stories, listening to a story being read, choosing your own book and enjoying the pictures or reading the text. I will attach some eBooks which you can read at home on the laptop with your child. Please just ask if you want more specific ideas for your child on how you might use the resource.

If CMcC, KF and RBs mum want to email me I can provide you with login details for the  Active Learn website were the pupils will have further access to online reading books and phonics which I have allocated to them.

Happy Learning




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