Gordonstoun Urban / Parkland Sprint Event – Regional / Moravian Orienteeers

All abilities and ages are welcome to Moravian Orienteers’ next day-time event at Gordonstoun School on Sunday 5th February. This is a great opportunity to enjoy orienteering around the school grounds, with a variety of terrain including parkland and the school buildings. We have planned four different courses, including one suitable for beginners or novice engineers – so come and try it.  This event will contribute to our Saturday league, even though it is on a Sunday!

For further details, including how to enter, see out club web page:  https://mor.scot/node/258

Here’s the link to our Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/2UJIHdZAO

Please contact Andrew Campbell directly with any questions – andrewandlizcampbell@outlook.com