Alves Primary School

Alves is ACE

Community Partnerships – Alves Community Hall

June 12, 2019 by Mrs Blair | Comments Off on Community Partnerships – Alves Community Hall

Meet Shirley… our representative from Alves Community Hall. She came in to talk to the children all about the hall and then discussed a range of ideas on how we can work together to support the rights of the child within the local community. More info coming soon.

May 24, 2019
by Mr McLeman
Comments Off on National Athlete Visit

National Athlete Visit

We were very fortunate today to have ex-pupil and National Athlete Anna MacFadyen join us at assembly today.  It was a very inspiring day as Anna discussed her journey and enthusiasm for sport and how it has evolved since going … Continue reading

World Animal Day

May 22, 2019 by Molly

World Animal Day was on the 4th of October. World Animal Day is celebrated all over the world, it is a chance for people to learn about Animal welfare and how animals play a part in our lives.
We decided to choose World Animal Day as we were interested in animal welfare.
We came in to school dressed up as our favourite animals. There was lots of different animals like cheetahs, rabbits and the most popular was the cat.
In the morning we split the school into 3 groups. The three groups were animal P.E, animal story writing and animal art.
In animal P.E we played animal games like sleeping lions and jungle is on fire, it was very fun.
In animal story writing we chose an animal that was on the piece of paper and you wrote about that animal then we read our storeys out to our groups.

In animal art we made hand print animals by painting our hands and placing them on a piece of paper then adding the animal details on them. We had lots of fun being animals for a day.



This gallery contains 10 photos

Do you like learning outdoors?

May 3, 2019 by Mrs Blair | Comments Off on Do you like learning outdoors?

Mrs Blair and the children enjoy getting outside and using the natural environment to enhance learning and understanding. P1/2 were learning about symmetry and created symmetrical pictures/patterns outside in the playground. What sort of things would you like to learn outside? Do you enjoy being outside and why? Whats your favourite thing to do outside?



Learning to prepare food in P1/2

April 30, 2019 by Mrs Blair | Comments Off on Learning to prepare food in P1/2

Each week the children will work in small groups to develop skills in chopping healthy fruit and vegetables.  They are learning to use the claw grip and the bridge hold when chopping.  They are developing fine motor skills by holding knives, handling the food, etc. Pupils are exploring positive food experiences in preparing and tasting the foods they make.  Responsibility for food hygiene, safety with knives and doing the washing up is a key focus throughout the sessions.

week 1

UNA members discussed Global Recycling Day and its impact locally and globally.  They made posters in groups to promote awareness.  They managed to link this to global goals and rights.


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