Category Archives: Our Learning


Today in class Miss Smith was talking to P3 -P7 about

 What is a community?

What makes a community ?.

They were asked what they thought a community was and what did they do?

   After reading articles from a local newpaper, we looked at what other communties in our area do.

After today the children had a better understanding of what is a Community.

Speycraft visit Inveravon

Mr Morris and a  group of 3rd year girls from Speyside High School visited us to day to tell us about there enterprise. There enterprise is called Speycraft, they sell Fair Trade products a the girls told us they do this in there own time (parent evenings,break and lunch times and any school events)   The girls had made a PowerPoint presentation and told us all about what they do and also told us about  an opportunity that our school  may want to take part in. This involves coming up with a idea and then a business plan it will then be submitted and the best one from all the entries will be awarded £100 to go towards a new business idea.

This was also a great opportunity to let the Speyside pupils know about our Micro Tyco and the processes we went through also for our enterprise.

Grow Well Choices

Every Monday afternoon Sammy and Kristy come and do Grow Well Choices . All the P4-7 ‘s do this. We have learned about sugary foods,  and the eat well plate. We also do games at the end. The games are always fun!

Our homework was to keep a healthy life diary, we were to try and do 60 minutes of exercise a day and eat 5 portions of fruit and veg.  On a Monday morning we would review our diaries and highlight what we could do better. If it was orange it means we could improve it, if it was green it means we have done it and if it was red it means we didn’t do it.

Written by Fraser MacDonald,P4

E- portfolio

On Friday 10th May the p7s from Inveravon went to Knockando to do there E- portfolios. Mr Picksley from Speyside High School showed us a step by step guide to create them. Then we went back to school and added information to them. They are for our achievements and anything we want to share. This is an ongoing project.


last week with Mrs Smith we made sheep pictures for art. We had to use different types of materials.

For the sky we used blue paint and added water to make it runny .

For the grass we had a piece of card and wrapped wool around it and then dipped it in green paint and dabbed it on to the paper to give a grass effect.

We then drew clouds on a seperate piece of paper then cut them out and put in water till wet it was then laid on to the picture for a while and then removed it. Then put the final details on.

Written by

Neil McWilliam

Wake up Wednesday

Last Wednesday we where having wake up Wednesday with Mrs Ferguson.

We had to take a skipping rope and a hula hoop each. Mrs Ferguson  taste in music is excellent we danced to Queen “We will rock you”

lots of people were playing the air guitar, we were making the beat with our feet. We all had great fun and look forward to doing it again.

Written by Zander Durno

Maths- Doubles

In maths this week we have been learning about doubles.

One of the questions we found tricky, we were to work out the seating of 4 sets of twins. We first started by using blocks to represent the twins but we soon got confused. It was then decided we would use real people to work it out. Name tags were put on the 4 sets of twins and Mrs Duncan read out the instructions and between the 8 of us we had to work together as a team and check our results, it took us about 10 minutes to reach our conclusion.

We used lots of different skills doing this such as Logical thinking , Giving reasons or explaining, Putting things in order, Thinking of ideas and Making links.