Category Archives: Our Learning

End of weeks reflection

Below are some of the reflections the pupils have had from last week.

Olivia P5

Success- My success this week was in mandarin. I think I was able to be very fluent and I can’t wait to learn more!

Improvement- next in Maths I want to concentrate more on my times tables.

Enjoyment- I enjoyed swimming this week.

Iona P3

Success- My success is I have been learning how to add in more detail to my writing to make it a lot more sparkly for the reader. I also learned how to spell Wednesday.

Improvement- I want to improve on fractions. I also want to improve on time.

Enjoyment- I enjoyed going swimming and learning about fractions because I got a bit of a pancake. I loved doing the sponsored walk because I saw Rebecca’s dog.

Rowan P4

Success- My success this week is swimming because I learnt how to do back stroke. I know want to learn how to do front stroke, I really enjoy swimming.

Improvement- I think I need to improve on my fractions. I really liked playing the game about them.

enjoyment- I think I enjoyed the walk along the Spey I am looking forward to next year.


Term 4 week 1 & 2

Wow we have been so busy in the last 2 weeks after coming back from our Easter break.

We are now going swimming lessons on a Friday morning with all the children taking part.

We have also been lucky enough to have a visit to Tesco’s in Keith to see where the fruit and vegetables come. We noticed that they are importing things from all over the world.

Firstly we went on the shop floor and we had to find fruit and vegetables which were the colours of the rainbow. This was tricky for the vegetable group as they could not find anything that was blue! Mrs Reid then told us that you can get blue potatoes, so thats something we need to look out for.

In 2 groups we then had to estimate the weight of the items in our basket and then went to the checkout and checked our results.

We also visited  the bakery department and were lucky enough to get to make our won doughnuts and sugar them too.

Alan Linee also came and visited us at our school and talked to us about foraging and natural history. He talked about bush craft and helped us identify different plants in our playground. We looked at the 4 main things you need to survive in bush craft and they are  Shelter, food water and fire and what they can help you do. IMG_0770 IMG_0772 IMG_0752 IMG_0753 IMG_0756

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Reflections for Term 3 week 3

Jade P1

I am learning about measure with gingerbread men. We put them to the bottom of the paper to find the tallest to shortest. I was really good at this. 

I have been learning my numbers 1-5 and I am finding this tricky as I forget where the numbers go sometimes.

My next step is to work on recognise where the numbers go on a number line, without any help.


Tilly P2

I was learning actions for ‘The Duck in hat’. I was learning about full stops, exclamation marks and question marks as well as the words.

I was working independently on a initial sound task and took it a step further by trying to spell each word.

I went outside with Mrs. Lawson and we were looking for tracks in the snow. I found a hole and I think it was a vole’s house. I also rabbit prints and rabbit dung. The snow made it easy to follow the tracks. I have also taken photos of robins and the sparrows in the school garden.


Iona P3

I was learning to measure. I cut out five gingerbread men. I had to estimate the tallest gingerbread man. I estimated sixteen centimetres , I was pretty close as it was fourteen centimetres.

I was acting out the actions for a book called ‘The duck in the hat’ I am getting on a lot better. Soon I can write it out in my book. It was awesome.

We talked a lot about the use of full stops, commas, question marks and exclamation marks and added them to our actions so that we can use accurate punctuation in my story. We talked about the rule for using a/an and revised nouns and then went on to discuss verbs.


Kole P5

In math’s I am really proud of my work. Today I knew the difference between meters and centimetres 1m = 100cm 1/2m = 50cm 1/4m = 25cm.

I was learning to retell a story using actions. We talked a lot about full stops, commas and question marks. We also talked about when to use ‘a’ or ‘an’.

 In discursive writing we had a discussion about TV. We gave everyone a chance to have their opinion. I was being a responsible citizen by developing an informed view by taking on board what everyone said . I found that my views are not always the same as everyone else.


Fraser P6

In discursive writing we had a really good discussion. Everyone took turns and we all had a chance to share our points of view. I agreed and disagreed and also able to back up my statement with evidence. I am finding that I like discursive writing and I am inspired by Mrs Duncan to start a debate club.

 I was doing revision on converting meters and centimeters and vice versa. I found it quite tricky but then I asked for help and now I feel more confident doing them.

 Miss Smith was showing us our topic. It looks really cool . I cant wait to get started.


James P7

I was reading ‘ The duck in the hat’ and was acting out the story. This is helping with my punctuation as I want to get better at my full stops.

In art I was doing some sketching of a cloud and I finished it in 5 mins. Then I got to sketch a helicopter and also finished my flower picture.

  In discursive writing we were doing it about TV. We needed to write 3 for paragraphs for and 3 against. I want to do more of this as I want to get better as it is still a bit hard. I learnt that peoples opinion is a lot different to mine as I thought we would be on the same page for this activity.


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Reflections for week 4/5 Term2

What a busy 2 weeks we have had here in Inveravon Primary these are a few of the childrens reflections.

Fraser P6

In German last week I found it fun as I had to revise over our colours and numbers and also complete a word search in German about pets. I feel I am a confident individual in German and I like to share my learning with my parents.

I felt good for reading this week as Miss Smith trusted us to be left and read in a group. I was also being a effective contributor and helped to manage the team.  I found the passages we were reading very dramatic and powerful and brought some of us close to tears.  I really like Michael Murpurgo writing techniques as he really makes you want to jump into the scene and help the character.

Olivia P5

In the Lego dance we are learning to be a successful learner and make links from our maths to our PE. I have made the link by using my knowledge about left and right ,forwards and backwards to create dance steps.

In reading we have been using techniques to understand text. I have used sentence phrase word to build my understanding of the text. The reading this week I found very emotional because Joey got hurt and his friends died. The author was very expressive with his words with lots of bumps and waves.

James P2

In maths I was doing position and movements and learning clockwise and anti-clockwise. I know a clock works clockwise so that helps me to remember which way is which.. I also was doing 1/4 and 1/2 turns and 360’s turn. I found it fun. I was being a successful learner this week in maths as I was able to make links in my learning using the clock.

Julia and Theresa helped us in German last week by helping us name animals. They also gave us a word search in German to find all the animals that were on the list.I really enjoy German as the girls make it fun and I really want to learn a new language.

Rowan P4

I was doing a word search in German all about pets and found it a bit challenging. I also did some revision work on my colours and had to read the colours in German and colour them in the right colour. I really enjoy German as I haven’t tried any other language.

I found when doing multiplying math’s down on the floor with Miss Smith really hard as I don’t know what strategies I need to use. I am confident enough to say I don’t get it. I do find it gets easier when I hear how others use different strategies to solve it. I need a lot more work on this to help.

Week 2 reflections

Another fun filled week here at Inveravon Primary read below some of the childrens reflections for this week.

Flora P1

In maths I was doing times tables and I am practicing my 2 times table. I know that in the 2 times table the answers are always a even number.

In the obstacle-othon it was really fun and I liked it that Rose came too. It was fun to watch Dad  try. I was lucky to have 11 goes and I was able to raise some money for the school.

Rowan P4

I was playing a language  game this week with Iona, Kole and Mrs Lawson. We had to put the vowel sounds in the middle of the word to complete it. I found this task easy but I was able to help the others. I was being a successful leaner with this as I was sharing my learning with them.

In art I was being creative by drawing a picture with charcoal and chalk pastels. I liked using the charcoal as I was able to smudge it to make a nice effect. I found huge success with this picture that I made of a nest, but I wasn’t able to finish it as I still have to put a bird on top of the nest.

Toby P4

I am getting on good with my hornet book this week. I was able to pick out the vowel sound from a word and write them down by myself. I am also practicing my ‘l’ and ‘y’ sound.

I tried to do a  speed run at the obstacle-othon and I managed. as I was sort of fast. My favourite part was throwing the bean bags in to hoop.

I enjoyed art this week as I drew a picture of a bird and I did one for home too.

Niamh P5

In math’s this week I was doing position and movement. I find it quite hard because I’m not very good at orienteering and I find this quite similar. I found some success by working with Fraser and James as they helped me with my left and right.

On Wednesday I was taking part in the obstacle-othon to raise money for our school. I got on very well and I hope we do more things like this. I was being a successful learner as I was able to set myself a challenge. I was able to meet my challenge more than once as I was able to do 20 sit ups.

Our learning Term 2 Week

This is a few of the entries for the childrens weekly refections of their learning for the first week back at school.

Fraser P6

I was being a successful learner this week by setting myself a challenge when making a wildlife key with James. This was the first time doing this and we got a really good start. Mrs Lawson was very helpful with this and we needed a lot of discussion to start with so we knew how to lay things out.

I was being an effective contributor this week and building team strengths by helping Flora with her weekly reflections. I was able to expand her answers by asking why?

It made me feel happy being able to help others as I am able to share my learning with them.

Anna P5

In art we were making things for the wall like birds and bugs. I made a robin and I was being a effective contributor by finding solutions, as I had to find the colours I needed and match them for my robin.

In math’s this week I was doing position and movement. This is a new task but I found it easy. I would use this when someone is me giving directions. I now know my left from right as I use my hands as a tool to help.

Aaron P3

I was using the times tables dominos this week. It was fun. It really made me think and I had to concentrate. I want to learn my times tables.

I prefer to work in a group for math’s as it makes it easier and everyone can help each other.

I was making caterpillars which were made from pom poms and goggly eyes. I found making them a bit fiddly because you have to stick the hairy pom poms together.

After they were finished Miss Smith then put them on the wall for everyone to see. This was a fun task to do.

Kole P5

In art I was making a Barn Owl for the wall display in the classroom. I choose the owl as I like there eyes and they look cool. I was able to kept focused and finished the task and I enjoyed it.

On Thursday I was doing my reflections for the week. I find this easier by getting help. Mrs. Laing helped me by keeping me on task. I also found that my pukka pad comments helped and made it easier. I just need to work harder on remembering to write down everything in my pukka pad comment after each lesson.

End of week reflections

This term the children are being encouraged to reflect on their learning and idenify the skills that fit in to the 4 capacities, effective contributor, responsilble citizen, confident individuals or successful learner. This happens on a daily basis and helps them to write there weekly reflection.

below is some examples of pupils reflections.


I was doing a listening task in math. I was learning about different diagrams. It was hard but I didn’t give up I was being a confident individual by continuing the task and finishing it. After lunch Mrs. Lawson came and showed us different plants and trees. I learned about the school grounds and the surroundings. I was being a curious scientist finding out about lots of things.


I was learning Venn and Carroll diagrams this week. I found the Carroll diagram much easier as it was more in order and easier to read.I was being a successful learner by setting myself a challenge by knowing how to use the different diagrams.


I was playing bug cards with Jade. Its nice to work together as its nice to help other people. So I was being a successful learner by sharing what I knew to help Jade.


I was learning about the Venn and Carroll diagram, I found the Carroll diagram gave a more accurate result. I was being an effective contributor and getting involved  the listening activity. I found the task interesting as it taught me new things. I found the afternoon with Mrs. Lawson very interesting and I learned a lot of the area I live in. I was a confident individual and being organized as I wrote all my notes in my Charles Darwin book. I am really looking forward to doing more of these activities.