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Air Disathairne bha feum agam a dùsgadh suas aig sia uairan air sgàth gun robh sin a’ dol air turas. Bha sinn deannamh turas airson deich daoine! Chaidh mise anns an car comhla ri mo dhadaidh agus chaidh Tristan agus Tamzin comhla ri mo mhamaidh. Bha ceithear a tìghean comhla riumsa agus bha sia a’ dol comhla ri mo mhamaidh.’S e nigheannan a bha comhla riumsa agus bha iad uabhasach coibhnail. An toiseach chaidh sinn gu Loch Lomond agus bha caffe beag ann so fhuair sinn rud beag rì ìthe. Fhuair mise Scottish breakfast agus fhuair Tristan agus Tamzin bacon roll. As dèidh sin chaidh sinn gu Dalwhinnie agus ‘s e aite gu math breatha a th’ ann. Fhuair aon de na nigheannan reòiteag leum agus ‘s e fair chocolate a bh’ ann. An uair sin chaidh sinn chaidh sinn gu Inbhir Aora, tha a thulla rud an dubh agus geal! Thuair mise reòiteag eile bho mo dhadaidh, chan eil fios agam dè seorsa reòiteag a bh’ ann ach bha e blasda! Chaidh sinn a-steach dhan caisteal. Is toil leum caisteal Inbhir Aora, chan eil is agam cairson ach is toil leum e. Mu dheidhradh thall Chaidh sinn air ais gu Glaschu.

Air Là-na-Sàbaid chaidh mi gu taigh mo cho-ogha Helene airson  Play Date. Bha sinn a deannamh pancakes agus a cluich lesh play doh. ‘S e an cò-là-breith aig Helene air Disathairne agus fhuair mi a-mach air Là-na-Sàbaid gun robh mi a’dol rock climbing anns Soar.

Bha deogh dhearadh  sheachdain agam.


On Saturday I had to weak up very early, I had to weak up at 6:00! I was very tired and we wear in such a rush that we didn’t even get to eat breakfast. My mum and dad had to do a tour for ten people and there was no one to watch us so we had to go with. I went in the car with my dad and my little Sister Tamzin and Brother Tristan went in a small bus with my mum. We want to go pick them up at Glasgow and on our way My mum and dad did a compotation of who cold get there first and it was fun. Fore of theme came with me and thy wear all girls. It kind of like my class last year, six boys fore girls. The first pleas we went to was Loch Lomond. There was a little caffè there so we got to have some breakfast. I got a Scottish breakfast and  Tristan and Tamzin got a bacon burger. After that we slowly made our way to Dalwhinnie and I have to say it is a very nice place. One of the girls that  were  on the tour got me an Ice cream! Man that ice cream was good, I got a chocolate one with a flake and sprinkles! The last place we went to was Inveraray. I don ‘t know way but everything there is black and white. We didn’t  go to the gale but we did go to the castle and I like the castle much more then the gale, the gale is scary. I got another ice cream from my dad and I don’t  really know watt flavour it was but it was nice. At last we were on our way back to Glasgow and then went home.

The next day on Sunday me and my cousin Helen had a play date at her house. We played lots of games. We played with play doe, made perfume with her perfume maker, made pancakes and read a book called Skullduggery pleasant. It was that day wen I found out that I was going to Helene’s Birthday party! She said that we were going rock climbing at Soar, its basically a mall.

I hade one of the best weekend in a long time.

Acadamaidh Inbhir Chluaidh – Inverclyde Academy

Air Dihaoine 16/09/2016 chaidh mi gu Acadamaidh Inbhir Chluaidh airson là fàilteachaidh.

Nuair a rainig sinn an sgoil bha sinn a dòl ann am buidheannan diofraichte. ‘S e Mrs Malloy an tìdsear a chuir fàilte air an buidheann agamsa. An uair sin fhuair sinn clàr-àma agus mapa, agus choinnich sinn ris na guides againn. As deidh sin chaidh sinn gu clas cuspairean-soisealta, dh’ionnsaich sinn mu dheidhinn an death penalty. As deidh sin bha Beurla againn, ‘s e Mrs Callum an tìdsear. Rinn sin pìos bardachd leis an t-ainm haiku. Tha tri loineachdan ann, tha coig lidean anns a’ chiad loidhne, tha seachd lidean san dàrna loidhne agus tha coig lidean san treasamh loidhne. As deidh sin bha Fraingis againn. Cha toil leum Fraingis, fhathast. Bha sinn dìreach a sgroìbhadh rudan mu dheadhinn an Fhraing.

Bha an uabhasach math air sgàths gun do dh’ionnsaich mi tòrr rudan mu dheidhinn an Àrd-sgoil.


On Friday 16/09/2016 I went to Inverclyde Academy for a welcome day.

When we got to the school we got put into different groups. Our group was welcomed by Mrs Malloy. After we were welcomed we were given our map and timetable. The first class we went to was Social Studies where we learned about the death penalty. Then we had English, where we learned about a type of  poem called a haiku. A haiku has three lines, the first line has five syllables, the second line has seven syllables and the third line has five again. After that we had a French lesson. I don’t really like French, yet. We just had to write facts about France.


Spending a day in Inverclyde Academy was a good experience because I was able to find information about high school.

Beacon – Catriona Lexy Chaimbeul

An-diugh chaidh sinn dhan Beacon airson buth-obrach còmhla-ri Catriona Lexy Chaimbeul. Aig an toiseach rinn sin dealabhan air a bhala. Sgrìobh mise m’ ainm agus rinn Ceitidh dealbh de clas 6. Bha dealbhan bho sgoiltean eile ann cuideachd.



As deidh sin bha again ri sgrìobhadh mu dheidhinn an rud as fhearr leinn. Bha mise a sgriobhadh mu dheidhinn ailbhean agus bha sinn a suidhe air bean bags ‘Roald Dahl’, bha iad uabhasach comhartail.



Bha sgrìobhadair a tighinn a-staigh agus leugh i stoiridh dhuinn. ‘S e Catriona Lexy Chaimbeul an t-ainm a bh’ oirre.’S e ‘Sgeulachdan Eagalach Feagalch’ ainm an leabhar aice, agus bha an stoiridh uabhasach math. As deidh sin chaidh sinn air ais dhan sgoil, bha am bus fadalach, mar 45 mionaidean. Mu dheireadh thall thainig am bus agus fhuair sinn air ais dhan sgoil, chaidil mi airson greiseag air a bhus.



Today GP4-7 went to the Beacon for a workshop with Catriona Lexy Campbell. The first thing we did was draw pictures on the wall. I did my name and Ceitidh did a picture of me, Rowan and herself. There were lots of different pictures from different schools.

Then we had to write about are favourite things and I drew a picture of an elephant. We were sitting on Roald Dalh bean bags, and they were really comfortable.

Then a writer called Catriona Lexy Campbell came to read us a story from her book ‘Sgeulachdan Eagalach Feachalach.’ The story was really good. At the end we had to wait for the bus for 45 minutes. Eventually we all got on the bus back to school. I fell asleep on the bus!