4.1.2018 Na Laithean-Saora aig Helen

Air laithean-saora na Nollaig fhuair sinn uile tòrr rudan sgoinneil. Fhuair Louise, mo phuithear bheag, TEDDY UABHASACH MÒR, cha mhòr nach eil e cho mòr rì mi fhìn agus Louise. Fhuair mi fhìn LEGO CITY agus MARVIN’S AMAZING MAGIC TRICK’S. Fhuair mo mhathair stocainnean agus fhuir m’ athair stocainnean cuideachd.      

Chòrd laithean-saora na Nollaig rium gu mòr!




04.01.2018 Na laithean-saora aig Eden B


Air na laithean-saora rinn mi tòrr rudan inntinneach. Chaidh sinn gu taigh msheanair. Bha sinn a’ cluich còhmla-ri Elliot, Lewis agus Joshua. Chluich sinn spies. o

Aig àm Nollaig bha sinn ag èisteachd ri ceòl math agus bha sinn a cluich Five nights at Freddie’s. Bha e cho fhuair air anns na laithean-saora..

Bha mise, Eva agus Bethany a dèanamh tòrr ealain. Rinn sinn cèic le icing.

04.01.2018 Na laithean-saora aig Eden M


Over the Christmas holidays my gran and grandad came over and my whole family had a Christmas dinner we had a choice of ham or turkey and we had mashed potatoes and vey.

I got a new guitar it was black with a little bit of silver. I also got a big pencil set of 50 pencils. I got a lot of colouring books and I got a lot of chocolate and money I am saving up money for a new phone right now I have 80 pounds. On Christmas eve I played Cuphead with my brother Isaac and we 100% the game.I went out in the snow with my other brother Jacob and we had a snowball fight and we have crates so we used them as a base but one of the ctatrs fell on my knee and I got hurt really bad. I also got a new oninzie it was a bunny.

On boxing day I went to Braehead with my mum my dad and Jacob. Jacob and my dad went to Game and Jacob got a new game. I went to Primark and I got a new t-shirt that said my umicorn ate my homework.


Na laithean-saora | The Christmas Holidays

Over the Christmas holidays I was with my Mum, Dad and my brother. On Christmas day I got a remote control car and Tanner Fox merchandise. I also got a t-shirt, a hat and a jumper and I was given a lot more clothes too. I got lots of toys like electricity making kits and some board games. For Christmas dinner we first had prawn cocktail with salad, then we had turkey and all the trimmings and we finished with trifle. My favourite part of Christmas dinner was the Yorkshire puddings. After dinner I made my electricity kits, they were very easy to make but they were a lot of fun.

Overall the Christmas holidays were very fun. I enjoyed spending time with my family, especially my niece, Yvonne.



04.01.2018 Na laithean-saora aig Zack

Air na laithean-saora rinn mi tòrr rudan inntinneach, chluich mi a-mach anns an sneachda air an sledge agam. Bha i gu math fuar ach chòrd e rium.

Fhuair mi DS airson Nollaig agus tha e uabhasach math.

Bha mi ag ithe cèic seoclaid. Bha an cèic uabhasach blasta.

Chuir mi seachad na laithean-saora comhla-ri mo Mhamaidh agus Dadaidh, bha na laithean- saora ceart gu leor.