Air Dihaoine 16/09/2016 chaidh mi gu Acadamaidh Inbhir Chluaidh airson là fàilteachaidh.
Nuair a rainig sinn an sgoil bha sinn a dòl ann am buidheannan diofraichte. ‘S e Mrs Malloy an tìdsear a chuir fàilte air an buidheann agamsa. An uair sin fhuair sinn clàr-àma agus mapa, agus choinnich sinn ris na guides againn. As deidh sin chaidh sinn gu clas cuspairean-soisealta, dh’ionnsaich sinn mu dheidhinn an death penalty. As deidh sin bha Beurla againn, ‘s e Mrs Callum an tìdsear. Rinn sin pìos bardachd leis an t-ainm haiku. Tha tri loineachdan ann, tha coig lidean anns a’ chiad loidhne, tha seachd lidean san dàrna loidhne agus tha coig lidean san treasamh loidhne. As deidh sin bha Fraingis againn. Cha toil leum Fraingis, fhathast. Bha sinn dìreach a sgroìbhadh rudan mu dheadhinn an Fhraing.
Bha an uabhasach math air sgàths gun do dh’ionnsaich mi tòrr rudan mu dheidhinn an Àrd-sgoil.
On Friday 16/09/2016 I went to Inverclyde Academy for a welcome day.
When we got to the school we got put into different groups. Our group was welcomed by Mrs Malloy. After we were welcomed we were given our map and timetable. The first class we went to was Social Studies where we learned about the death penalty. Then we had English, where we learned about a type of poem called a haiku. A haiku has three lines, the first line has five syllables, the second line has seven syllables and the third line has five again. After that we had a French lesson. I don’t really like French, yet. We just had to write facts about France.
Spending a day in Inverclyde Academy was a good experience because I was able to find information about high school.
Well done