Tha mise a’ coimhead air adhart ris na buddies againn. ‘S e Lucas an t-ainm air am buddy agam. Tha mise ann clas a 6 co-la ri na caraidean agam Ceitidh agus Rowan. Tha Ceitidh an tè as sìne agus tha mise a fear as oige. Tha dìreach 9 daoine anns an clas againn agus ‘s e Mgr Mac a’ Phì ar tìdsear.
Tha mi cuideachd a coimhead air adhart ri snamh. Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bith snamh math. Ach chan fhaod mise a’ dol ann dhaobh domhainn fhathast, tha mi an dòchas gum faod sinn a dhòl ann am bliadhna.
I’m looking forward to buddies. My buddy’s name is Lucas. I’m in primary 6 with my best friends Ceitidh and Rowan. Ceitidh is the oldest and I’m the youngest. There are just 9 people in our class, and our teacher is Mr MacPhee.
The other thing I’m looking forward to is swimming. I think Swimming will be good. I can’t go to the deep end yet, I hope we do this year. This whole year will be good.
I’m mostly looking forward to the buddies, I have all ready got my hands full, it is hard work. But he is very cute and even though he is boisterous. He is the best buddy I could ever ask for. 🙂
Glè mhath BFF.