An duigh anns a’ mhadainn chaidh an clas Gàidhlig 4-7 dhan Beacon airson bùth-obrach còmhla-ri Catriona Lexy Chaimbeul. Tha Catriona na sgriobhadair agus soidhnig i an leabhar a cheannaich sinn. ‘S e an t-ainm air an leabhar ‘Sgeulachan Eagalach Feagalach’. Bha i a’ leughadh aon stoiridh, agus bha e uabhasach math.
As deidh dhì an stoiridh leughadh, bha againn ri caractar a dhèanamh suas. ‘S e Eilidh an t-ainm a thug sinn oirre. Bha sùilean mòr aice agus beul toilichte. Bha i beag agus làidir. Aon latha chaidh Eilidh gu clas ballet ach cha robh duine ann. Bha a h-uile duine anns an trannsa. Chaidh Eilidh a mach dhan trannsa, “Dè thacair?” thuirt i. “Tha taibhse san talla ballet!” thuirt aon de na dannsairean. “Tha fios agam dè feumaidh sinn a’ deanamh!” thuirt Eilidh. “Faodaidh duine a’ dol a steach agus a’ dh’eibhadh.” “Ok nì mise e.” thuirt fear eile de na dannsearean. Dh’fhosgail i an doras gu an talla agus dh’eidh i. “Aaaaahhhh!!!” “Aaaaahhhh!!!” thuirt an taibhse air ais agus dhun i an doras. “Cha robh plana A ag obair” thuirt i. “Dè nì sinn?” dh’fhaignich Eilidh. “Faodaidh sinn na ‘Ghost Busters’ a call!” thuirt aon dannsarear. “Ok.” thuirt an tidsear dannsa. So bha iad a call na ghost busters.
Aon mionaid eile bha Mrs Ruddy ann leis hoover. “Faodaidh mi a’ glacadh an taibhse seo leis an hoover agam!” thuirt i. Ach bha an taibhse robh luatha agus thig Mrs Ruddy a-mach. “Tha mise a’dol air ais dhan sgoil.” agus chaidh i a-mach. “Dè nì sinn a-nis?” thuirt aon de na dannsarean. “‘S tocha tha Gàidhlig aid an taibhse. Faodaidh sinn a’ bruidhinn dha!” thuirt Eilidh. “Idea math a tha sin.” thuirt dannsare eile. Chaidh Eilidh a-staigh agus thuirt i “Um, hallo taibhse.” thuirt an taibhse “Dè tha thu ag iarraidh?” “Uill tha seo an seomar ballet again agus tha sinn airson dannsa an seo.” “An fhaod mise a’ dannsa cuideachd?” thuirt an taibhse. “Tha mi air a’ bhith boxer air son uine mhòr ach is ‘s toil leum dannsa ballet.” “Faodaidh!” thuirt Eilidh agus chaidh a h-uile duine dhan seomar ballet agus bha iad a’ dannsa comhla ri an taibhse.
Nuair an robh an stoiridh deisil bha sharpies aigainn agus pàipear. Bha sinn a’ sgrìobhadh an rud as fhearr again mu dheidhinn an bùth-obrach. Bha mise a’ sgrìobhadh na stoiridhean. Fhuair sinn book marks agus bha Catriona a sign iad.
Nuair an robh sinn a’dol a-mach bha sinn ag ithe na snacks again. Bha Stacie a’deanamh cup cakes agus bha fear agam. Bha iad uabhasach blasda. Tha Stacie math air a bake. Bha latha sgoinneil agam ach bha sinn a wait 45 mionaidean airson an bus.
Today in the morning class Gaelic 4-7 went to the beacon for a work shop with Catriona Lexy Campbell. Catriona is a writer and she signed a book she wrote for us. It is called ‘Sgeulchdan Eagalach Feagalach’. She read one story from her book called ‘Am balach agus am baidhsagal’. The story was really good.
After she read her story we had to make up a character. Her name was Eilidh. She had big eyes and a smiley mouth. She was small and strong. One day she went to her ballet class but no one was there. Everybody was in the corridor. Eilidh went out into the corridor. “What’s happening?” she said. “There is a ghost in the ballet hall.” said one of the dancers. “I know what we can do!” said Eilidh. “Someone can go in and scream.” “Ok, I’ll do it.” said another dancer. She opened the door to the ballet hall and she shouted. “Aaaaahhhh!!!” “Aaaaahhhh!!!” said the ghost back to her and she came back out and closed the door. “Plan A didn’t work.” she said. “What will we do?” Eilidh asked. “We could call the ghost busters.” said a dancer. “Ok.” said the ballet teacher. So they called the ghost busters.
One minute later Mrs Ruddy was there with her hoover. “I can catch the ghost!” she said but the ghost was too fast and Mrs Ruddy came out. “I am going back to the school.” she said and she went away. “What will we do now?” said another dancer. “Maybe the ghost has Gaelic.” said Eilidh. “That’s a good idea.” said a dancer. Eilidh went in and said “Um, hello ghost.” “What do you want?” said the ghost. “Well this is our ballet hall and we want to dance in here.” “Can I come too?” said the ghost. “I have been a boxer for a long time and I’ve always loved ballet.” “Ok.” said Eilidh and everyone came in and danced with the ghost.
When the story finished we had sharpies and paper and we had to write down our favourite thing about the work-shop. I wrote the stories. We got given book marks as well and Catriona signed them.
When we went out we were aloud to eat our snacks. Stacie made cup cakes and I had one. They were really tasty. Stacie is a good baker. I had a really good day except we had to wait 45 minutes for the bus.