Air Disathairne chaidh mi gu orcastra. Bha sinn a dol thairis air na h- orain ‘Final Countdown’ agus ‘T’was the night before Chirstmas.’
As deidh sin chunnaic mi ‘Doctor Who’ air an Tbh. Bha taibhse ann agus space ship.
Air Là na Sàbaid bha mi a coimhead air an tbh. Cha robh mòran air.
On Saturday I went to orchestra. We practiced ‘Final Countdown’ and ‘T’ was the night before Christmas.’
After that I watched ‘Doctor Who’ on the TV. Their was a ghost and space ship.
On Sunday I watch TV. There was not that much of interest on.
We will need to get you to play at assembly one week. Glad you are enjoying orchestra. Keep up the good work Mairi.
Well done Màiri.