
I am delighted to welcome you to Lomond View Academy’s website.

My name is Susan Chambers and I am the Virtual School Headteacher for Inverclyde, with responsibility for Lomond View Academy.

At Lomond View Academy we have made some significant changes to the delivery model we are using to support a range of pupils from across Inverclyde. These changes have widened the number of young people attending, as we are providing provision to support  BGE pupils ( S1-S3), S4’s and those with low or non school attendance. We also have a primary enhanced nurture provision called NEST which supports P1-P7 pupils on a part time basis.

We also have the corporate parent teacher team who support a range of care experienced children and young people within their own school, focusing on literacy, numeracy and wellbeing support. As well as the ICOS staff (Inverclyde Communication Outreach Team) who provide support from early years through to secondary to those who are on a neurodevelopmental pathway. This support is wide ranging and specific to each individual learner.

Our young people are thriving in these environments and with the support from our services. We have passionate and committed staff who have created a nurturing environment where we invest in positive relationships, develop self-esteem and confidence, and provide a personalised education.

The very nature of our support recognises that young people can be here for a range of timescales. Whether it is for a few weeks or two years, we must work together to allow our pupils to access a full and individualised curriculum. We look forward to working with all our families in building an environment where we can celebrate the achievement of your child.

Whether you are a pupil, parent, or interested party I am hopeful you will find the handbook useful and will find the information you are looking for, however, please always feel free to contact the school directly if you have anything you wish to discuss. We are always pleased to have visitors to our school.

Susan Chambers, Headteacher



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