Supporting Attendance & Engagement

We endeavour to create an education system that all children wish to be part of, can access, attend and engage in learning.  Inverclyde EPS are integral to the development of practices that enhance engagement and belonging in education.

What are Inverclyde EPS are doing to help?

The EPS has a central role in developing and delivering inverclyde’s Attendance Strategy.  The Strategy includes 14 different interventions that focus on the development of culture, systems and practices that directly impact on engagement and school attendance in all sectors.  The EPS are working in partnership with colleagues in health, social and third sector to co-ordinate both preventative approaches and interventions to provide a community response.

Examples of the interventions that the EPS has been involved includes:

  • Working with Action for Children to develop a transition service from primary- secondary.
  • Facilitating action research groups for primary and secondary schools who are using Improvement Methodology to improve school attendance.
  • Delivering training to schools and social work on Emotionally Based School Avoidance and the important of ‘Assessment and Personalised Planning for children struggling to attend school’.
  • Developing and Delivering an Audit tool to ensure schools and establishments have the best systems and communication methods to respond early to absence.

Some of the resources being used in Inverclyde schools have been developed by other local authorities within the UK.  See the links below for the toolkits we have been accessing.

Further information: