At Clydeview Academy, we recognise the importance of parents and carers working in partnership with the school. It is widely recognised that children of parents who are involved in their education have a better experience of school.
As a result we have a strong Parent Council who meets on a regular basis with the Head Teacher to discuss current school matters and to give a parental viewpoint on current educational initiatives. The Parent Council is also involved in the appointment of the school Senior Leadership Team.
All parents and carers of pupils at Clydeview Academy are part of the school Parent Forum and as such their views are valued and respected. Everyone is invited to attend the Parent Council meetings, even if they do not wish to join, and will be made most welcome. Details of Parent Council meetings can be viewed through the Dates for your Diary link on this page.
The Parent Council aims to support our parents and carers, and keep them up to date on what is going on in the school in the following ways:
- School newsletter
- School emails and texts
- Minutes of meetings (see link)
We want to represent your views, good or otherwise, and actively encourage anyone to get in touch with us at any time.
If you wish to contact the Parent Council please phone the school on 01475 715050 and leave a message.
Alternatively email us at
One of the Office Bearers will get back in touch with you within a few days.
The Parent Council supports the school with various activities and events throughout the school year. We aim to be present at all Parents’ meetings so come over and have a chat with us. We provide refreshments at school concerts and shows, the profits of which are put back into the school to support all our children. Recently we have contributed towards the school show, the annual prize giving and have supported various departments in the school through our “Make a Bid” initiative where teachers can request Parent Council funding for extra resources they feel will improve the pupils’ learning experience. So far we have supported the Modern Languages department with an online language programme all pupils can access even from home and the Technical department to purchase a 3D printer.
Parent Council Meetings 2024/25
- Monday 11th November 2024, 6.30pm
- Monday 20th January 2025, 6.30pm
- Monday 10th March 2025, 6.30pm
- Monday 2nd June 2025, 6.30pm
- Monday 25th August 2025, 6.30pm
- Monday 22nd September 2025 – AGM, 6.30pm
PC Office Bearers 2022/23
- Chair – Muriel Russell
- Secretary – Elizabeth Robertson
- Vice Chair- vacant
- Treasurer – Sarah Campbell
The Parent Council Constitution and GDPR Policy can be downloaded below.
Parent Council Documents
Parent Council Meeting Minutes
- Parent Council Minutes 2024/25
- Parent Council Minutes 2023/24
- Parent Council Minutes 2022/23
- Parent Council Minutes 2021/22
- Parent Council Minutes 2020/21
- Parent Council Minutes 2019/20