Food all over the place!

We hope you like the name we have come up with for our Food and the Consumer topic!

We had the best weather for a brisk walk to Asda on Tuesday afternoon. We split into three groups (Fruit/Veg, Meat/Dairy, Cans/Packets) and checked labels and displays for the country of origin of a range of products.  We completed a table and then made a tally chart in class today. We used atlases to locate the countries around the world.

We followed the journey of a banana from Grower to Packer to Shipper to Importer to Wholesaler/Retailer and finally Consumer.

“It was really interesting to find out all the places that our food comes from.” Kelly and Amy

“It was exciting.” Andrew

“Fascinating to find out that food does not all come from just one place.” Kathryn

“Coke – tastic” Struan (As we were leaving,  an Asda shop assistant accidentally knocked her trolley into a display of  Coke cans causing one to erupt and spray a few of us nearby!)

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