We are loving our Jacobite topic and have learnt about the Battle of Killiecrankie, Massacre of Glencoe and Sheriffmuir as well as everyday Clan Life and the differences between the Redcoats and Clansmen. We wrote some very moving imaginative diary accounts of the Glencoe Massacre. We used lots of personal thoughts and feelings.
Miss Brodie has been encouraging us with our painting skills. We have copied “cubism” by Paul Klee. We shared our art work at assembly and talked about our RME work on Values.
Charlotte, Iona and Kate McC have been busy baking again and raised £32.73 for the Highland Hospice. We loved the delicious range of cakes they took in. Thank you to everyone who supported their sale by bringing in money.
The Sapphires reading group really enjoyed their book about “Skeletons Inside and Out.” They created a poster of their facts.
Keep up all the hard work Pr 5!