P2 Christmas Party

Primary 2 had a fantastic party today!  Well done to all the boys and girls. 

Thank you to the parents/carers for their food donations for the party.

Christmas Service is at the CCC tomorrow. Please make sure that you have suitable clothes for walking to and from the CCC.

Nativity 2013 – ‘Hey Ewe!’

What a FANTASTIC two performances of ‘Hey Ewe!’ today. Every single child from the Nursery through to Primary 3 did such a FANTASTIC job.

Nativity2013 (1) Nativity2013 (2) Nativity2013 (3)
Nativity2013 (4) Nativity2013 (5) Nativity2013 (6)

Everyone looked superb in their costumes. With over 200 children involved, it really was a phenomenal show.

Nativity2013 (7) Nativity2013 (8) Nativity2013 (9)
Nativity2013 (10) Nativity2013 (11) Nativity2013 (12)

Thank you to all of the staff and pupils who assisted with the organisation of such a massive event.

Nativity2013 (13) Nativity2013 (14) Nativity2013 (15)
Nativity2013 (16) Nativity2013 (17) Nativity2013 (18)

We will keep you posted as to when the video is ready.

Nativity2013 (19) Nativity2013 (20) Nativity2013 (21)
Nativity2013 (22) Nativity2013 (23) Nativity2013 (24)

Thank you,

Mr Cook and Miss Shimmield

Happy Hanukkah!

This afternoon Mrs MacDonald was away with the choir so we had Mr Cook.

We learned about the Jewish festival, Hanukkah. We learned that Jewish people celebrate it for 8 days every year. We found out that they have a special candle holder called a Menorah that holds 9 candles. Jewish people light the middle candle on the first night and use that candle to light the first candle. On the second night they use it to light the second candle . . . and so on . . . and so on. By night number 8, all candles are lit.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/3VfChLAADS8" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

Sesame Street – Hanukkah – CLICK HERE!

We then made our own handprint Menorahs. It was quite tricky, because we have ten fingers, but we only had to make 9 candles. I wonder if you can figure out how we did it? Mr Cook was so impressed that Gavin came up with the answer to the problem!

Mr Cook had a lovely afternoon with P2, and will be coming back to see the finished Hanukkah pictures tomorrow!
