Our topic this term is ‘Ourselves’. We have lots of fun activities planned and these will help us all get to know each other a little better and become really good friends. Some of the questions we will be trying to answer are:
In what ways are we different from and similar to each other?
What are our favourite things?
What makes us feel the way we do?
What can we do to always keep ourselves safe and healthy?
Why is it important to be a good friend?
A reminder that Zoe the Zebra and Floppy’s fun pack will be going home tomorrow (Fri.). If it is your child’s turn to take either of these things home can you please remember to return them again on Monday.
Library books will also be given out tomorrow and these should be returned by next Friday to be exchanged.
Also, remember READING PACKS (reading books, notebooks and words) should be brought into school EVERY DAY.
Thank you.
Enjoy your weekend and have lots of fun!