A letter from Theresa Green . . .

This morning when the post arrived we were delivered a letter from a local resident, Theresa Green. As you can see she’s heard that we’re a group of hardworking superstars who work excellently in a team. She asked us if we’d like to build a park in our local area.

We were so excited to get the letter. We worked as a class to create a letter of reply. Jayden J told us that ‘accept means saying yes’. Charlotte and Emma reminded us that we worked well as a team when we built the castle and Nessie for our classroom. Poppy had a fabulous suggestion saying that we want to make Theresa proud. We all signed our names. Because she only lives along the road, Mrs Fraser delivered our reply after break time.

After lunchtime Mrs Smith delivered a letter that she received during the afternoon post. We found out that Theresa has asked us to create the park on a field close to Lochardil. We went to investigate the areas next to the school from the school fence. Mia suggested it was important to go and visit where we are building, before creating our plan.

After visiting the site we came back to the class to begin our plan. Mackenzie told us it was important that we had a plan or we wouldn’t know what to do. We worked together to create four different areas for our park. We’re going to have a play park, a duck pond a field and a flower garden.

During the rest of the week we will create our ground plan for Theresa to send off by Friday.

Thank you Anna from P6/7 for our park suggestion on our last blog. If you have any other suggestions for our park, please comment.

Mr.Cook and Primary 1