Category Archives: Contemporary issues

How gender affected my time at school.

In primary school gender never affected me however it affected people around me.

We were made to sit boy, girl in most classes in primary which was never a problem for me however I know for some girls this was distressing coming into school to sit with boys who teased them, similarly I know some boys who felt distressed coming into school sitting with girls who felt they were above them.  I understand not all classes/schools are like this as my brother’s class have a lot of girls who tease boys and boys who think they’re above girls, it was just the opposite way in my class.  There was also football which ran every lunch time which I joined in with, however it meant I had to wear trousers to school on the days I wanted to play.  This wasn’t ever a problem for me but I knew some girls who wore their skirts a lot and couldn’t change before playing therefore they missed out.  It had never occurred to me that this was a factor as to why I was the only girl who played.

Moving up to secondary it affected me a lot more with; boys and girls being separated at P.E, not one boy choosing hospitality and myself being the only girl to be in the technical and physics class.  At first I didn’t think gender was significant during my time at school but thinking about it now, it really was.

Having this highlighted for me will definitely be something I will keep reflecting on in my career, it will be an important issue which I will try my best to overcome not only in my classroom but in all the school grounds.