The Online World

Being a Professional in Society Today

It is clear how much the society we live in is changing and adapting to the new technologies that are providing many benefits for loads around the world. Social media has been on the rise since the 1990s with the introduction of allowing people to connect with family and friends. This networking service lasted for only four years (1997-2001) but it sparked the development of successful services we know today such as LinkedIn and Facebook.

I believe that social media is a very powerful tool that gives us the opportunity to enhance our creativity, share experiences and exchange information within the virtual community. It has become a major part of life and continues to do so as we move through the generations. Social networking sites dominate the communities we live in today and have become widely accessible to many worldwide.

Personal Versus Professional Presence on Social Media


It is clear that social networking is not for everyone, however, I believe it shouldn’t be seen in a negative way as it is mostly portrayed these days.

Marrying your personal life to the professional side via social media allows people to gather a better understanding about who you are as a person and yet still express and show interesting articles that can relate to your profession. It also gives you the opportunity to form friendships and links that can be used to connect with not only the local but the global teaching community. I believe that is a fundamental part of the teaching profession: creating links.

It wasn’t that long ago that it was difficult to connect with people like we do now. When mobile phones were introduced it did help change the challenge and allowed you to connect with your friends more efficiently. The rise of social media, I believe, has changed the way we see friendship and the way in which we connect with people. It isn’t just about the “inner circle” as people would say, but it is about connecting globally with people that have similar interests as you and being able to form such friendships that can last a lifetime in really help with your professional development.


For me, it can be difficult to trust the information that appears and can make you more skeptical about what you are viewing. I also feel that some content is inappropriate but it seems easily accessible to the younger generations which is quite a worry.

A huge challenge of social media that many argue is privacy. Although there are ways that can change your settings on social networking sites, it is not always guaranteed that they will stay that way. Whether we like it or not, there are people out there who can find methods of obtaining information that we don’t want others to know about.

How will I frame social media within an educational setting?

I believe that social media is a very powerful tool and is something that will only continue to grow within our society. Therefore, I believe that social media is something that should be spoken about with a positive viewpoint but you should always keep make sure they are aware of the risks involved.

The advancement of new technologies and social networking services is contributing to the transformation of education and the way in which people perceive it. However, it is important that we are informed and aware of how such things are used in regards to our professional decisions.

Sometimes it can seem easier to separate your personal life from your professional life, creating new usernames that prevent children from being able to find you because lets face it, they know how to do that. Although I think it’s great to encourage children of the use of new technologies and social networking to a certain extent, thinking about your own perspectives is crucial. For me, keeping the two accounts separate seems easier and safer.


What is reflection?

Reflection allows us to think critically about an event or experience that we were part of. It involves looking at not just what happened but also at our thoughts and feelings when we are evaluating.

For me, reflection is very important within a profession such as teaching because it allows us to improve upon the education that we provide for the children. If we do not reflect and evaluate our ways of teaching then the matter of improving the system for children becomes irrelevant.

Going into such a profession without having a knowledge and understanding of reflection, I believe, is a bizarre thing to do because you will not be able to get better at what you want to provide. Reflection is an integral part of your professional practice not just as a student but as a qualified teacher too.

Reflection is about being able to look at your lesson and consider what went well and what could have been better and acting upon those thoughts. There is no use in reflecting on what you have delivered to your pupils but not improving it in order to provide the best possible learning experiences for children.


Practitioner Enquiry: Benefits and Challenges

Being an enquiring practitioner, I realise, is becoming a widely accepted form of being a teacher throughout Scotland and I believe that it is important to be continuously engaging with this. Following our input on Tuesday about being an enquiring practitioner and further reading from the GTCS website, I’d like to share some of my reasons as to why I believe that practitioner enquiry is an excellent thing to adopt within our Scottish schools.

What does it mean to be an enquiring practitioner?

Being an enquiring practitioner means that you are able to continue to use the research skills you have developed to go beyond being reflective of your practise. It means being able to take a stance in which you can think critically about your professional development and the way in which your pupils are learning.

Benefits of practitioner enquiry:

As I read through the Practitioner Enquiry on the GTCS website, I noticed that there were several benefits to taking such a stance.

  1. Enables the chance to make a change to the way in which you continue to develop and make positive changes to the way in which your pupils learn. I believe this is an important benefit of being an enquiring practitioner as it highlights the fact that practitioner enquiry does not only effect you but it will also have an impact on the quality of the pupils’ learning experiences within the school environment. I am a huge believer in providing the best possible education to children and being an enquiring practitioner sets you up to provide just that.
  2. There will be a significant impact on the long-term professional development of a teacher after the research/project has been discontinued. Much of what you will find through your investigations will develop the knowledge, understanding and skills that you have already obtained. Although some research may only be specific to a certain school or environment, the further knowledge you gain can be implemented into another setting. This proves that being an enquiring practitioner is not just a one off thing, it is something that you should continually engage with to become a better professional.
  3. Although there are positive impacts on your own individual development, practitioner enquiry can be included within the development of the school itself. Overall, the benefits highlighted on the GTCS website have an important value upon the wider school improvement agenda. The opportunity to work individually or collaboratively allows you to investigate, question, consider and plan for change and further development of not just yourself but the school.

Challenges of being an enquiring practitioner:

It became evident that although the benefits were greater than the challenges, they were still part of practitioner enquiry.

  1. It can be quite difficult for existing teachers to adjust to the fact that practitioner enquiry is becoming part of the day-to-day practise that they engage in. For myself, it will be easy to enter my professional practise as being an enquiring practitioner has been integrated into the MA (Hons) Education course here at the University of Dundee. But for previous students this may not have been put across as significantly as it does now. Reflection is a key part of being a professional but in order to better your professional development it is essential that you move away from just reflecting. Existing teachers may need to re-visit and develop their research skills again in order to take part in practitioner enquiry.
  2. Many believe that such a process can be “uncomfortable” and may find it daunting therefore may not follow the correct procedures. Practitioner enquiry can be uncomfortable for many people and can lead to a more stressful string of events when trying to engage with their enquiries. This is where expert support may need to be brought in to ensure that they understand the processes and to make it a less stressful time.
  3. People may find it difficult to critically question and think about their practises. Without the right set of skills and expertise it can become quite difficult to critically question your own beliefs, understanding and knowledge to improve yourself.

For me, as a student teacher in this present day, being an enquiring practitioner does not seem as daunting as others may think it is. I believe it is easier for student teachers these days to take on practitioner enquiry as the research skills are fresh and will not be forgotten about. They are a set of skills and techniques that can be continually develop even after your time at university. Despite some of the challenges that I have noted whilst reading, I think that being an enquiring practitioner is a vital part of your professional development and will make a huge but hopefully positive impact upon the learning experiences that your pupils will gain.

Gender and My Experiences At School

There are many discussion points around gender which I discovered through my Higher Modern Studies course in sixth year. This includes the pay rates for women, top positions in jobs and the typical careers most commonly known for women.

However, during our input from Jill regarding gender, she asked us questions which really got me thinking. I suppose I hadn’t really ever thought about it before but how exactly did gender affect me as a child growing up?

My answer is that I believe it never really had a major affect on me. My primary school always encouraged equality and opportunity or everyone, no matter who they were. The only difference for gender I can remember is the separate toilets and changing rooms that we used. But when I discussed this with peer sit gave me a different perspective and really made me think.

A typical sports day: races for boys, races for girls; having to partner up with a boy for Scottish Country Dancing; asking for boys for task that involved lifting heavy objects. One thing that really stood out, however, was the fact that boys always seemed to get into more trouble than girls. After some thought, I agree with the last point. Many boys in my class got into more trouble than girls did and so the stereotyping seems to be true of both sides.

Overall, my gender and experiences of school weren’t really affected as I still got an education which has gotten me to the place that I am today.

An Understanding of My Academic Skills

Getting the Basics

Punctuation has always been part of education for me and probably the majority of people reading this too. Reading ‘The Study Skills Book’ by McMillan K and Weyers, J has really helped me to further my understanding of the importance of punctuation and how it can really effect your writing.

Looking at a University situation, it is extremely important to get punctuation and grammar correct for your writing to make sense, especially with assignments and essays that you will have to complete. I believe that grammar and punctuation is not only important for your studies but also for taking part in your ePortfolio. Although it is, I feel, slightly more relaxed and gives you more freedom to express your thoughts in your own way, it is still relevant to have correct grammar and punctuation.

Vocabulary, I believe, is also an important factor to add to your academic skills. Having a variety in your vocabulary can really benefit you. I admit that vocabulary is probably something I should look at and develop more as my studies continue over the next four years at University.

Having a basic understanding of punctuation, grammar, spelling and vocabulary is extremely important with a profession such as teaching because a lot of their learning is focused around developing their literacy skills. If I have difficulty with spelling or explaining grammar and punctuation, it would make it far more demanding and tough to teach young children as they will get confused and will not develop the right understanding.

It is crucial to have a good knowledge and understanding of the above topics in order to teach children correctly and to make things a lot less demanding within your profession.

Important Factors to Consider

Engaging With Learning

Cooperative Learning:

Cooperative learning is something that I have always been aware of as it was included from a young age at Primary school. At University there is an expectation for you to take control of your own study and learn things for yourself based on what a lecturer has used in an input. However, this doesn’t always mean that you have to be completely by yourself and I agree that it can sometimes be easier to work in a group of peers from your course.

I believe, and I’m sure many others will as well, that working as a group is an effective way of learning because of the many different personalities that there are and the learning styles can be varying too. There are many advantages of working in a group and incorporating cooperative learning within your studies.

  1. Learning from one another: This is very beneficial as you are able to identify how other people learn and it may help to clear any difficulties that you may have had before.
  2. Opens up debates that you would not have thought of before: This allows you to see what other ideas people have and also lets you develop other ideas that you hadn’t thought of during an input or lecture.
  3. Additional notes: Working in group and getting other ideas from peers will allow you to take additional notes that will complement what you have taken down in your lectures. This also allows you to use additional ideas to do further research helping with any individual tasks or assessments.

However, it is important to remember that you are a member of a group and so you should respect the views and opinions that are stated. It is also extremely important to ensure that no one person is dominating the discussion. After all, this a group task and so everyone has to have an equal opportunity to express their views.

Active Learning:

I believe that active learning is important at all stages of your education. It is particularly useful when you are teaching young children as it allows them to engage with what they are being taught. Active learning is also important for splitting up a child’s day rather than having them sit in the classroom not paying attention and struggling.

Much of the active learning in Primary schools, I have witnessed, is used to support and extend the children’s education and is supported through the Curriculum for Excellence system throughout Scotland.

Active learning allows children to develop their imaginations and creativity and encourages them to develop new skills which will benefit them when it comes to literacy and numeracy in particular.

Overall, cooperative working and active learning are two extremely important factors to keep in mind when thinking about the way in which we learn.

Here are my reasons…

Why Teaching?

What I’ve noticed is that many people have influential factors from films, books, magazines and videos but my reasons for wanting to join the teaching profession are different.

My primary school years were the best start to my education, especially in the early years. When I tell people that I have wanted to be a primary school teacher since Primary Two they generally look at me and wonder why on earth I have wanted to go into such a career from such a young age.

Miss Duff was an extremely enthusiastic, organised and happy person and her personality and ways of teaching influenced me to join the same career as she did. I wanted to be the same person as my Primary One and Two teacher. I loved the way that each lesson seemed to captivate me and made me interested to learn. I even noticed that her classroom environment and teaching styles engaged the other pupils that many believed to be troublesome with their education.

From there, I moved on through my primary years and had many more teachers. They all had an influence on me but the strongest to this day is still Miss Duff. I have not changed my mind about the career I am choosing but many of my friends throughout high school were still uncertain about where they wanted to go or whether or not their choices were the right ones for them. Sometimes I even amaze myself when I think that becoming a primary school teacher has always been the option and has never changed.

Taking part in work experience really helped to make my choice stronger as well. I enjoyed my last year in high school being part of the Primary One class at our local primary school. It made me realize that even although I didn’t seem to help very much, the children still developed a sense of trust with me and were happy enough to have me there in the classroom with their teacher. I recognized where my potential strengths are within teaching and it helped me to begin my observations as to what type of teachers there are and what kind of teacher I can work towards achieving.

What type of teacher do I want to become?

I realized that I won’t have the same personality as my Primary One/Two teacher but I know that I can develop into someone similar with the same enthusiasm towards the development of children and their education as she did.

I want to become the primary school teacher that all of my pupils inspire to be like as a person. I want to be able to see the children develop their personalities and grow into people that are very much appreciated within society. I want my teaching career to last as long as possible and I’d like to be able to say when I retire that I had a huge impact on so many children’s lives because I like to have that sense of helping someone and ensuring that they can get as far as possible with what they want to achieve.

As a primary school teacher, it’s important to be up-to-date with the way in which the world is moving through life. This means that I should be able to find my way through the world of digital technology and introduce that as much as possible throughout the primary school that I become a member of when I finish my MA (Hons.) Education course.

My main ambition is to find ways to help improve the education system throughout my career, to improve the way in which pupils learn and interact with their education not just within Scotland but around the world. I know that many people reading this will think that is an extremely bizarre thought and far too ambitious, but I’d like to be able to make connections globally to change the way people see education and make comparisons to the many differing education systems around the world. Many have grown up in a world believing that education is a thing that we are forced to partake in and I want to change that perception. I want to be that teacher that is enthusiastic about the way that education is developing and I’d like to be able to have that opportunity to pass that on to the children of the future.

Having that feeling that you have impacted upon a child’s life and being able to witness the children beginning to understand the lessons that you are teaching to benefit them throughout life are two things that I am most definitely looking forward to in my career and I’m ready to embrace everything it takes to get to the top of my dreams.