Health and Wellbeing Lesson Planning

Lesson 1/3

Class/Group:2nd Level    Lesson: Food and Health            Date:01/02/19

Previous Experience



Working towards outcomes of a Curriculum for Excellence


By applying my knowledge and understanding of current healthy eating advice I can contribute to a healthy eating plan. 


HWB 2-30a


Responsibility of all – Literacy/Numeracy/ICT/HWB (where appropriate):

Health and Wellbeing, Art


Learning Intentions Success Criteria
To understand what contributes to a healthy diet.


Identify positive impacts of healthy eating.


Identify the negatives of unhealthy eating.


I can successfully plan a healthy meal.


I can use my knowledge of healthy eating and explain how it effects my body.



Resources white board – pens, computer, paper plate, pencils, coloured pencils, rubbers and printed images of healthy food.



Timing   Assessment methods



10 minutes










15 minutes







15 minutes

Setting the context/Beginning the lesson (Introduction)


Introduce learning intentions and success criteria.


Class discussion first of all introducing what they think they already know about healthy eating. Make a list on the board in two categories of healthy and unhealthy food options.  


Teaching the learning intentions (Development)


Introducing the healthy food wheel which shows different categories of food and how much of them should be in our day to day diet.


Then show the children images of negative effects that can happen if they do not have a healthy diet.



After learning about foods which are healthy and not so healthy the pupils will collect a paper plate and draw their idea of a healthy meal.  They can choose breakfast, lunch or tea time.


Have images of healthy food out for those who may struggle with creating an idea. 


Then once finished they will turn to their learning partner where they will explain why they chose certain food.


Ending the lesson (Plenary)


Pupils come up with an interesting fact the learnt from the lesson and to tell the class.


Ask the children what they might do differently after learning all about healthy eating.


Go over any questions they may have.



























Peer Assessment

Lesson 2/3

Class/Group: 2nd  level    Lesson: Food and health (active)    Date: 01/02/19

Previous Experience



Working towards outcomes of a Curriculum for Excellence


I can understand how advertising and the media are used to influence consumers.


HWB 2-37a





Responsibility of all – Literacy/Numeracy/ICT/HWB (where appropriate):


Learning Intentions Success Criteria

To identify different types of advertising techniques.


To understand what promotional offers are.





I can successfully state ways in which food can be advertised.







Resources Numeracy – thinking of a suitable price

Literacy – creating a poster

Health and wellbeing – healthy snack

Art- presenting it nicely using different colours and packaging for the food



Timing   Assessment methods



10 minutes











10 minutes




20 minutes












10 minutes

Setting the context/Beginning the lesson (Introduction)


Show the pupils the same product with different packaging – ask them which one they prefer and why.


After this discussion explain the impact of how brands package their items to attract the attention of the customer.


Teaching the learning intentions (Development)


Show different types of adverts for example, videos, newspapers, magazines and billboards. Explain how and why these are used.


Then in groups they are going to create their own healthy snack which they well then advertise to the class.


Before they begin, they will come up with examples of snacks in class discussion.


Roughly 5 in each group they will come up with the idea of the product, what it will look like, the price and where you could buy it.  Create a poster with all their information.


All groups will present to the class



Ending the lesson (Plenary)


Ask the children to evaluate their learning against the success criteria.




Lesson 3/3

Class/Group: 2nd Level         Lesson: Health and Hygiene           Date: 01/02/19

Previous Experience



Working towards outcomes of a Curriculum for Excellence


Having learned about cleanliness, hygiene and safety, I can apply these principles to my everyday routines, understanding their importance to health and wellbeing.


HWB 2-33a


Responsibility of all – Literacy/Numeracy/ICT/HWB (where appropriate):


Learning Intentions Success Criteria

To learn how to have good hygiene.


To learn why we must maintain self-hygiene.






I can successfully identify ways in which I can keep myself clean.


I have learned the importance of being hygienic.


Resources Access to a computer, paper, pencils, soap and a sink.


Timing   Assessment methods
  Setting the context/Beginning the lesson (Introduction)


First, identify in a class discussion how you ensure you have good hygiene.


Show a clip of what may happen if you don’t have good hygiene and how you are meant to effectively wash your hands to get rid of any bad bacteria.


Teaching the learning intentions (Development)


Create a mind-map with everything they have learned. With different headings such as – how to be hygienic, then the negatives of not being hygienic.


While they are completing their mind maps in different stages groups will go and practice washing their hands using the strategy they have just learned.


Ending the lesson (Plenary)

Have a discussion on what they have learnt and any questions they may have.




P.E and Dancing

I really enjoyed the dance work shop, as it showed how dance does not have to be taught in a way of creating specific routines. Individually we tried out different ways to travel across the room without walking. This was very enjoyable and allowed you to let loose and have fun as well as being active. We then got into groups where we all shared our moves and incorporated them into a snippet dance scene. This was a very valuable lesson to be used with children as it allows children to learn moves without it necessarily being a dance lesson.

At the beginning we were shown different styles of dancing for example the famous dance group diversity, 1000 hands dance and ballet. This introduced how there are many different types of dancing and how we could influence different styles in lessons. Dancing is not for everyone, some may not feel as confident or comfortable when taking part in a dance lesson. Therefore, a lesson such as this is very inclusive as it allows the children to take part no matter what their prior experience is. Also, children can work at their own level/ability with moves they have created. Niki told us the sillier the moves the better as it will also allow the children to express themselves without feeling embarrassed, creating different moves. Physical learning can also bring in other elements of curriculum for excellence such as maths or language. For example, with dancing the can interpret maths by creating different shapes ,understanding how they can place themselves to create them. Active learning can ensure more engagement rather than textbook work. Children may also remember the aspects of the lesson more rather than sitting at a table therefore, attainment in the classroom will be higher- may be more willing to take part.

Personally, when I was in primary, I really enjoyed taking part in dance lessons. I remember learning Scottish country dancing and which I found great pleasure taking part in. However, I did not enjoy p.e that much therefore, taking part in an active dance lesson was great fun for me.

Math’s Anxiety

Math’s anxiety is sadly very common among children and adults. Math’s anxiety is having great fear and worry, when faced with math sums or equations. This is something that I personally faced, throughout primary and high school .I struggled understanding specific aspects within maths. I had to be very dedicated in achieving my national 5 maths. I spent a lot of my time in maths club after school and at lunch times. My maths teacher was very helpful and positive no matter how often I said I couldn’t do it, or I wasn’t good at maths. Without all her help I don’t think I would have been successful in my exam or have developed my confidence. As a teacher one of my aims is to be as encouraging with maths and helped pupils overcome any anxious feelings towards maths.

There is a stigma that people are either good at maths or English. Which is truly false. People may be stronger at one than the other, but it is never the case you can’t be good at both. Maths is very often portrayed negatively in society. This is due to experiences with the subject in school, where individuals felt they did not receive the best support with their struggles. I hope to make maths fun and engaging in learning, as maths is to vital in everyday life. For example, telling the time, dealing with money and division. Without these parts of knowledge in maths it can majorly impact their abilities.

I believe that I can take my experience with maths into a positive influence. That to my pupils they mustn’t worry about making mistakes in maths, as you cannot learn without making mistakes. I will allow them to build their confidence so when they are faced with an equation, they can stay calm and figure out the answer. Therefore, defeat maths anxiety so feelings such as worry , hate, frustration and stress are no longer the stereo type linked to maths. 


Understanding ourselves lecture shows how much evil there is in the world today. People judging others because of the colour of their skin. Racism a highly sensitive topic that has been around for years. The formation of racists groups such as the Ku Klux Klan who had a hatred so strong for black people they encouraged laws, blackmailed local police forces and murdered so many innocent lives because of the colour of their skin. Its hard to believe that this was accepted in society. We have come so far in tackling racism in society however, still to do this day there is still racial bias where people assume the worst from black people which is truly heartbreaking. Its awful that in 2018 issues regarding racism are still ongoing, its as though there is still so much hate in this world.

The story of Emmet Till was awful, he was 14 years old and a white women alleged that he whistled and touched her, 4 days later he was brutally murdered. He was beaten so badly that he no longer looked like himself. At his funeral his mother ensured that he had an open casket, so everyone could see how badly he was beaten. Despite their being sufficient evidence Emmet Till’s killers were not charged for his death. The jury was made up of all white males and they were so racially bias that they let the killers walk free. This is truly shocking that an innocent boy who had his whole life ahead of him was taken away too soon because of the colour of his skin. Sadly, this was they had to face in their everyday lives constantly in fear.

There is so much inequality in this world issues regarding racism, homophobia, sexism and many other issues so we need to come together and stand up for what is right and overcome the evil and hatred there is. This workshop has been a real eye opener and has made me realise that there needs to be more equality and as individuals have more respect for each other. Also, to speak out about issues that aren’t right and report any displays/actions of hate.

Values Reflection

The values workshop was a very eye-opening experience. This is because the task we were giving had an alternative meaning linked to the inequalities of children in education. Each group were giving resources to complete an object that would be useful for a new student on campus and they were then rated out of 10. We thought each group had an equal amount of resources. However, this was not the case as one group had way more than anyone else with scissors, cello tape, paper and pens whereas one group only had paper and a few paper clips.  The first group with the best materials were then favored by the lecturer which was very unfair, considering each group did their best with what they had been giving. This links with the fact that children should not be judged/marked on the materials they have but their effort in the classroom and how the contribute in lessons.

The task highlighted how children all come from different backgrounds. Some children may come from more affluent areas, so they don’t always think that others may not be as lucky as them. Those children living in areas of poverty may only receive one hot meal a day and that is their free school dinner. This is a major inequality and the child’s background can impact their education.  Therefore, as an educator you must be more sympathetic to actions of the child due to what may be going on at home which can emotionally affect them.

This task has truly impacted my views and made me think more about my actions and how to be aware of inequalities that affect many families. The inequalities if not identified/highlighted can negatively affect the child’s education. When identified the teacher can therefore then look out for the child and give them additional help and support when needed.

Fulfilling the Role of a Primary Teacher

Primary school teaching is a profession that I have always been very passionate about as I believe it would be a very rewarding career. This is because I have always enjoyed looking after children as I have a caring and patient nature. I understand that teaching can make a great impact on young children’s lives as they learn essential skills and knowledge however, being a teacher is an opportunity to be a great role model to the children, providing them with support to help their confidence.  Also, someone who the children feel they can trust and go to if they have any worries or problems.

I am eager to study to become a primary teacher and I take great pride in my work and feel my enthusiasm and dedication would help me excel. From my work experience I understand that everyday is different, there are many challenges a teacher can face from which I believe I can adapt to and use logical thinking for the best interest of each child. I am a creative individual which I feel would be an essential skill in primary teaching. 

Welcome to your WordPress eportfolio

Welcome to your ePortfolio. This is where you will document and share your professional thoughts and experiences over the course of your study at the University of Dundee and beyond that when you begin teaching. You have the control over what you want to make public and what you would rather keep on a password protected page.

The ePortfolio in the form of this WordPress blog allows you to pull in material from other digital sources:

You can pull in a YouTube video:

You can pull in a Soundcloud audio track:

You can upload an image or pull one in from Flickr or any other image sharing site.

Teacher, Lorraine Lapthorne conducts her class in the Grade Two room at the Drouin State School, Drouin, Victoria

You can just about pull in anything that you think will add substance and depth to your writing.