Category Archives: Digital Technology

Digital Technology Week 1


Introduction to Digital Technologies.

In choosing this module I did so to improve my abilities and competence in technology. As well as to improve my practice and understanding in a world that revolves around communication and technology.

Digital technology is a term used to describe those digital applications, services and resources which are used to:

  • find
  • analyse
  • create
  • communicate
  • use information

(Scottish Government, 2016)

During our first session in this module we were asked to evaluate our knowledge, understanding and level of ability in technology. While completing the evaluation I was able to establish my current abilities to see where I can progress and develop. We also got the chance to become more comfortable using moodle and glow. Having the chance to navigate the sites and find information on our own to develop our abilities and understanding of digital technology.

During this time we got the opportunity to read, analyse and then discuss the National Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy (2016) set out by the Scottish Government to enhance learning and teaching through the use of digital technology. Within this document the key objectives are to:

  • Develop the skills of our educators
  • Improve access
  • Enhance curriculum and assessment delivery
  • Empower leaders of change

(Scottish Government, 2016)

Using digital technology enhances teaching as it allows teachers to access different materials and information that helps engage their learners. Which therefore enhances the learning for those being taught as they have the chance to expand their creativity, ambition and interest in learning.

Looking back at the success criteria for our first lesson I believe that I can begin to describe and understand just how important digital technology is to learning and teaching in this modern day. As not only does it allow educators and learners from all over to access the same materials. It also gives them the same equal and fair opportunities to progress, reach their potential and become active members of society. Education Scotland state that by placing “digital technology at the heart of learning” it could help achieve this potential (Scottish Government, 2015).


Reference List:

Scottish Government (2016) Enhancing Learning and Teaching Through the Use of Digital Technology, Available at: (Accessed: 15th January 2017).

Scottish Government (2016) Digital Learning and TeachingAvailable at: (Accessed: 15th January 2017).

Scottish Government (2015) Literature Review on the Impact of Digital Technology on Learning and Teaching, Available at: 15th January 2017).