Science Capital Teaching Approach

The Science Capital Teaching Approach: Engaging students with science, promoting social justice,  is a support resource from Univeristy College London (UCL) Instiute of Education.  The ideas included in the resource were co developed by UCL, Kings College London and the Science Museum. The ideas were tested over a four-year period between the researchers and secondary science teachers across England. The ideas were designed to aid teachers in supporting children and young people to enage learners more with science and STEM and to help them see the relevance of these subjects to their lives and futures.

Science Capital Teaching Approach resources

Science Capital Teaching Approach – teachers pack

Improving Science Participation – evidence based messaged

Working with teachers to develop a science capital approach for primary schools











University College London Institue of Education Science Capital Animations – please click on the image to view the animation.

Science Capital: An Introduction

The Science Capital Teaching Approach Animation UCL Institute of Education








A Science Capital approach to building engagement – UCL Institute of Education

Science capital and the informal learning sector – Science museum group