Manufacturing has always been a major part of Scotland’s economy. Advanced Manufacturing continues to build on this legacy and utilises the latest technology and strategies to ensure industry is efficient, economic, environmentally sound and sustainable.
As the sector continues to grow, there is an increasing demand for for engineers who will design, operate, maintain and manage the processes, across many industries. These opportunities will be suitable for both apprentices and graduates.

Manufacturing accounts for:
- More than 178,000 jobs in Scotland.
- 47% of businesses expenditure on research and development.
- £12.8 billion in Gross Value Added (GVA).
- 97% of manufacturers in Scotland are smaller or medium sized businesses.
- 50% of Scotland’s international exports.
- Key manufacturing sectors in Scotland include Life and Chemical Sciences, Aerospace, Defence, Space, Marine, Food and Drink, and Textiles.
- £183bn of output from the UK manufacturing sector.
- The United Kingdom is the 9th largest manufacturing country in the world, and manufacturers are investing £31 billion into the UK economy each year.
- Manufacturing remains better paid: 12% higher than the UK average for the whole economy (all industries and services).
- 84% of UK manufacturing companies see climate change and a carbon neutral future as an opportunity to reform.

Making Scotland’s future – a recovery plan for manufacturing – Strategic plan from Scottish Government (June 2021).
National Manufacturing Institute Scotland – This new facility is located in the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS) in Renfrewshire and is a space designed for knowledge sharing and innovation. It’s aim is to inspire the big ideas that will change industry, Scotland, and the world.
The Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre – this centre is also located within the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS) in Renfrewshire and aims to ensure the UK is a technology and innovation leader in pharmaceutical manufacturing. The initial focus will be on technology translation for small molecule drug manufacture.
UK Manufacturing, The Facts 2022 | Make UK
Royal Academy of Engineering : An Insight Into Modern Manufacturing (Engineering the Future Report)

Robotics is an important part of advanced manufacturing:
- Located in Edinburgh, the National Robotarium has unrivalled technology and laboratories for the development and testing of robotics and AI solutions.
- STEP Into Robotics – (esp-scotland.ac.uk)

Skills Development Scotland – My World of Work – engineering and manufacturing