SSERC: Science Enquiry: Observing, Exploring & Classifying SSERC Meet

  • August 11, 2024

Event Details

    • Suitable for Early, First and Second Level

      A SSERC Meet is an online twilight session for multiple practitioners, at no cost to your setting.  Successful applicants will receive a resource kit to support the professional learning, as well as access to supportive online materials.  You and your colleagues will join us live on Teams to take part in a range of activities using the resource kit provided, and will be able to ask questions and share ideas during the session.

      The activities in this SSERC Meet will support two of the four main approaches to Science Enquiry described in CfE:

      • Observing & Exploring
      • Classifying

      These engaging, hands-on activities will also provide opportunities to consider progression from Early through to Second Level.

      Dates: 9th December 2024  3:30 – 5pm

      Closing Date: 8th November 2024

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