On March 6th we looked at Prejudice and Ideology. I found this to be very interesting and I feel like I learned a lot today from the lecture, the independent task and the tutorial. I learned the difference between prejudice and discrimination. I learned what sub cultures are and the vast amount of groups that this covers. I learned simply what prejudice is and what Ideology involves. I feel that I do understand the main concepts from today as I was able to follow majority of what was being said and I was able to contribute a lot to the discussions we were having. I feel that I need to look back on certain areas today that I felt I didn’t fully understand like the term secularisation and just other terms I could do with knowing better. My knowledge as a result of today has improved greatly in the areas we discussed however I feel like I could do with bolstering my knowledge. What I have learned helped me understand how prejudice impacts on both micro and macro worlds. One example is that your family can impact on how you view things while considering the micro world. In terms of the macro world the media can influence our prejudices based on what they write.
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Inclusion and Equality
On the 7 February we looked at Inclusion and Equality with a focus on disability. We looked at human rights, ways to promote equality, potential barriers to equality and how to overcome them. I felt that I learned that at least 15% of the world’s population has a significant, long term, physical or mental impairment that can and usually disable them from taking part in the usual educational, social and economic activity within their own community. I believe that I understood the main concepts, theories and ideas that were discussed. I was very vocal whenever we were having any discussions during the tutorial when we were made to think about these concepts and what they mean. I feel that my skills have developed in the fact that I have a better understanding of these issues now than say what I did when I was younger. One skill that I need to develop is being more vocal in the lecture itself. When we are in a tutorial I am good with speaking up but in the lecture I am completely different and almost don’t want to say anything just because there’s a lot more people in the lecture hall. To address this development I will try to build up my confidence so when it comes to the lecture I will be more willing to contribute vocally in the lecture.
Society and Lifestyles Monday 16 January 2017
Today’s lesson revolved around looking at religion and seeing the different points of view of what people think religion is and what it does. We looked at different types of religion as a social institution. We looked at different theories of religion. An example of this is Bronislaw Malinowski who believed that there were scientific laws of culture could also be applied to religion in that religion serves particular needs of individuals and society. The theories was the area I felt I struggled to grasp and understand fully. To fix this I will read up on the theories and hopefully after looking over it I will eventually being able to increase my knowledge on these theories. I feel even though I struggled with the theories I still came out knowing an awful lot more than I did when I walked in as before today my knowledge on religion was very limited and made me think about what I believe the definition of religion is. This can relate to my general understanding of how much religion actually impacts me and society without me even realising. Like I said early I think I need to improve my knowledge and understanding of the different theories of religion and also become more vocal in group tasks and trying to answer out more.
Reflections on Placement
The week starting 31st October to Friday 4 November I was on a week-long placement at a local primary observing various teachers throughout the school.
Through observing teachers from up and down the school I was able to get an insight into the different tasks and challenges that the teachers faced and how to think on your feet when you are faced a situation you didn’t expect to be faced with.
I learned a great deal while I was on placement. I learned that no two school days are the same and that no matter how much you prepare for something you need to be able to adapt to the situation you are in.
Area of Strength
I believe that one of my areas of strength is that I am able to speak in front of a large group of people without any major issues. As a result of doing drama at school and outside of school I have grown more comfortable with communicating with a big audience. Throughout the week there were various situations where the teacher would leave the room or would be focusing on another task and I would speak to the class about the task they were doing. I spoke confidently to the class so they knew that even though I wasn’t their teacher they still had to listen to what I was saying.
I believe that being able to communicate with a large group of people is very important especially for a teacher because communicating with your class is at the centre of everything you do as a teacher.
Area for Improvement
After looking back on my week long placement I think an area that needs to improve for me is that I must try and not use any slang terms whilst I am in the classroom. For the majority of the placement I was able to not use any slang terms in the classroom however there would be times where I would lose my concentration and slip up. The pupils would be coming in from their playtime and would say hi to me and I’d accidently respond with ‘awright’ instead of hi. Or I would say ‘naw’ and other terms like that.
Action Plan for Improvement
In order to try and avoid using slang terms in the company of pupils I will involve myself in different situations where I come in contact with pupils. I will go to the after school care where I completed my work experience. This will allow me to not only get feedback from the pupils at the work experience but it will also allow me to try and replicate the situation of being in the classroom and interacting with the pupils.
This placement was very beneficial to me. It reinforced my belief that becoming a primary teacher is the path that I should choose. It also gave me an insight into what it is like being a primary teacher and what sort of challenges a teacher faces every day and how stressful the job can be at times. It allowed me to evaluate what my strengths are and what I needed to do to improve myself. The placement has me looking forward to continue the course and prepare me for the placement I will have next year.
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