Enquiring Practitioner

An enquiring practitioner is someone that engages in research to support their learning and also pupil’s learning. For me being an enquiring practitioner is a really important part of being a teacher as it allows you to expand on your knowledge and develop your practice. It also allows you to evaluate and reflect on your practice.

Being an enquiring practitioner also allows you to work collaboratively with others as you share your experiences and ideas. It also allows the research topic area to be looked at through different perspectives and then the ideas shared to the group; this expands your knowledge even further. There may be challenges when working with others as some practitioners may not want to share their ideas, conflict could occur and ineffective communication. If these challenges occur in your team this could hinder the work completed and you would not be getting the overall experience to share and communicate your ideas.

Being an enquiring practitioner creates an opportunity for you to stop and look at the different ways of working and teaching. By doing this it allows you to adapt the way you teach in order for your pupils to be more engaged in their learning and to get the best possible experiences. People who engage in research have a better understanding of their practice and ways that they could improve it. An enquiring practitioner becomes more aware of their pupils and the difficulties they may have and how they can help them.

I feel that being an enquiring practitioner is important to consider as a student teacher as it allows you to collaboratively work with others. It allows you to develop your knowledge and observe teachers taking lessons and carrying out lesson planning.

There are challenges that could occur as an enquiring practitioner for example some enquiries could simply be to prove the best practice or test the latest initiatives.

Overall being an enquiring practitioner is extremely important and it is definitely something I will be doing as a teacher.

3 thoughts on “Enquiring Practitioner

  1. Hello Rebecca,
    Your post is detailed and you highlighted something I hadn’t fully considered; if we are enquiring practitioners we will be more in tune to the needs of our pupils. I also like that you related the post to us as students. The piece flows well and covers the criteria. ☺️
    You could possibly break up your sentences more? But I understand how hard it is to avoid the dreaded comma splicing!!
    I think when we go out on placements it will truly test how we work collaboratively. I know I’m going to try engage more in peer review within the portfolio. So feel free to comment on any of mine.

    1. Post author

      Thank you for the feedback and the positive comments. I totally understand what you mean and I will work on this, thank you for picking this out. Yeah I feel the same and will comment on blogs, I will do and feel free to comment on mine in the future.

  2. This is so well written Rebecca! You definitely have the style of writing that I can tune into well. You’ve really made it clear what an enquiring practitioner is which I feel is important – it certainly wasn’t a concept I was aware of before!
    Really liked your comparison to us as student teachers! Well done sticking to the success criteria!
    Well done! 🙂


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