5 Virtues of Teaching

Respect can mean a variety of different things and is a huge concept to grasp. For me respect means looking out for each other, listening to other people’s points of views, caring about their feelings and acting in a positive away around people.

Honesty is so important in the teaching profession and being honesty sets a good example to the children. Honesty is about telling the truth and not lying to yourself and others.

Kindness in the teaching profession is extremely important as you are a role model to the children. Kindness is a gesture of goodwill and the quality of being friendly towards others.

Fairness is incredibly vital in a classroom and is an important quality for a teacher to have. Fairness is about showing equality and treating everyone how you would want to be treated.

Patience is an important quality for a teacher to have. Being patient means you are able to wait quietly and without moaning for someone to finish something or simple just waiting on someone.

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