Technology in the Classroom

Today I was reflecting on the importance of animation in the classroom. I was taught how to use programs such as Pivot Animate and ZU3D, programs which can make lessons more interactive and engaging for the pupils. I used these programs to create a short film with my peer, Polly, which you can view below. I really got to see how useful these programs can be, as you can use them to help children develop their understanding of other areas of the curriculum, while at the same time, develop their ICT skills. For example, you could ask the children to write a very short story in groups based on a history topic that they are learning and get them to act it out. Then let them either animate it using Pivot Animate software or film it with plasticine figures, Lego models etc. on the ZU3D program and then they could review each other’s work. If it seems appropriate  you could teach them how to add sounds, subtitles etc.

Of course, to be able to do this, it is important that I as a future teacher, am aware and up-to-date on the programs that are available to do this. Today’s workshop has really motivated me to search around for the different software that I could use in the classroom. Fortunately, I feel that the programs we used today were quite easy to get the hang of and so I definitely believe I will use them in the classroom in the future.

I believe that animation does link in to the GTCS Technologies Experiences and Outcomes as it states that children should explore and enhance their knowledge of software, they should be able to use these electronic sources to support and enrich their learning in different contexts. Using animation will develop their imagination, creativity, team work skills and in some cases, their time management. Even a simple half an hour lesson on how to use these programmes can lay down the foundations for their skills in ICT.


Here is the film I made with Polly today using the ZU3D software.

The song in the background is Nellie the Elephant – Instrumental with Lyrics – Karaoke

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