Integrated Arts Week 1

Today’s Lecture was about not knowing how artists think. Art is the way many people tend to express themselves without the written words. The expressive arts come under four categories; these are visual arts, dance, music and drama. In art it is vital as future educators to remember art it is not about the written word.

In the Visual Art’s workshop we focused on the positives and negatives of the Arts in schools. A lot of the negatives of arts revolve around the lack of resources schools have such as, paints, clay, paper, pencils and pens etc. Art is a way of making thinking visible through the use of pictures, videos, texts and different layouts and formats. Linking this to lesson ideas which could be used within the curriculum I would have asked pupils to draw whatever they like using many different colours such as bright or dull colours allowing them to express themselves and their feelings.


The music workshop was an introduction into how music makes people feel, the opportunities it offers to people and the different instruments used. In this workshop we listened to four short clips of music and had to decide how the music made us feel, happy, sad, scared and calm were many of the feelings people felt. Music offers many individual different opportunities that they may not get outside of school.. In this workshop we also listened to a piece of music and created a storyboard about what we thought was happening throughout the music from this we then presented our storyboard to our peers in the class listening to one another’s ideas from the music we listen to as our stimulus. As a lesson idea I would do a similar lesson as was done today. Allowing pupils to listen to different pieces of music will allow the to connect with different feelings. Another lesson idea could also me the same done with the storyboard and listening to a piece of music then allowing pupils to do a writing piece using the storyboards as a stimulus.


Both workshops linked together as they emphaisied the importance of the arts. As they offer opportunities to individuals to express themselves in a different way, which is not the written word.


Eisner. E (2002) The Arts and the Creation of Mind. 1st edition. USA Yale University press


Thomas Tallis School (2017) Thomas Tallis Habits Pedogdgy wheel [Online]


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