Integrated Arts Week 2

Todays lecture and visual arts workshop linked as it was about Making Marks Make Sense as this is the first instance of a child’s progression to write. ‘Scribbles are products of a systematic investigation rather than haphazard actions’- John Matthews (pg19) (1999) .

McAuliffe, 2007 is about children’s development in art and design. In this document it shares the multiple stage theories accountable for children’s cognitive development in education. Staged theory in education is liked to the works or Lowenfield and Brittain (1987). The stages of development are to identify the scribbling age (2-4 years), pre- schematic stage (4-7 years), schematic stage (7-9 years) and lastly the gang stage (9-12 years).


Scribble, colour and different textures are a variety if resources children can use in order to express themselves through the visual arts.


In this mornings lesson each individual took a page out of a reading and had to scribble down ideas on how we interpreted the piece of text given to us. I saw this as a good lesson idea as well as teaching point. This type of lesson could be done with a book relating to a certain topic or just any book a child is interested in. The aim of this would be to allow children to express themselves as well as interpret what they are reading through drawing images, which relate to the text.


Matthew. J (1999), The Art of Childhood and Adolescence. The Construction of Meaning. London: Falmer (pg19)


McAuliffe D (2007) Foundation and Primary Settings. In Teaching Arts and Design 3-11 (edited by Sue Cox, Robert Watts, Judy Grahame, Steve Herne and Diarmuid McAuliffe) London: Continum.

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