

Creative, caring, organised, methodical

Student of School of Education

Who loves learning, teaching, and listening to music

Who is interested, enthusiastic, and sometimes apprehensive

Who fears the day the tutor comes to visit

Who presented a lesson to peers using technology and engaged a primary class in learning phrases in different languages

Who wants to learn new skills to take into the classroom and make a difference to childrens’ learning experiences

Living in Halls

Trainee Teacher

Linda Learning about Blogging

My role in the University of Aberdeen involves responsibility for GLOW accounts in the School of Education and passing on information about on-going developments.

I am interested in developing my skills in blogging and wondering if creating a Glow Blog may be a way for me to share information with students and staff in the School of Education about GLOW.

I am also considering whether this might be a possible area for reflection on the use of Glow within courses and the experiences students come across in schools whilst they are on placement.

I look forward to learning more about creating blogs and about how they are used in different ways.