International Education Week has become an annual celebration of all things related to international schools collaboration at the British Council. This year the British Council will continue with the momentum and engagement in all things climate change related.
How schools can get involved and some highlights which may be of interest are listed below.
- the British Council’s first schools podcast with TES, featuring Glasgow teacher Claire Mackay, and Director of LfSS Pete Higgins, exploring how teacher collaboration can boost climate education, and the importance of sharing practice on climate change teaching.
- The next Education Exchange webinar: How can schools go carbon neutral? with educators from around the world discussing innovative ways they are reducing carbon emissions with involvement from pupils and their wider communities.
- Climate resources for school teachers – resources and fun activities for use in the classroom or at home, including the Climate Change Challenge activity sheet.
- And of course there is still opportunity for teachers to participate in the MOOCs run by University of Edinburgh on Learning for a Sustainable Future, and the Live at the COP. Both offer a fantastic learning journey and bank of resources for people to reflect individually, and to inspire professional practise.