For the month of January our UNCRC focus has been ‘Online Safety Awareness’ linking with Articles 19 – The right to be protected from harm, Article 17 – The right to reliable information and Article 34 – Protection from exploitation. Here is some activities the children have joined in to learn about their rights.
To celebrate achieving our UNCRC Silver Rights Aware Award, Natasha and the children made their own medals. The children talked about their own achievements that was meaningful to them. The children were very proud of their creations.
As part of our UNCRC yearly program we have been focusing on the following articles for October 2024 with a focus on celebrating Black History Month.
Article 2 – No discrimination
Article 30 – Minority culture, language and religion
Black History Month takes place in October every year which honours the history, traditions, arts and culture of Black people both in the UK and across the globe and celebrates key figures and events in Black history, with an emphasis on celebrating the history and contributions to society of people with an African or Caribbean heritage. We have provided the children with a range of experiences including African foods and music, learning about African tapestry and jewellery.
Staff will be reflecting on and considering what we do/can do to challenge negative stereotypes and discrimination.
This focus links to the SHANNARI indicators Respected and Included. We have used our characters ‘Respected Rhiya’ and ‘Included Isabella’ to promote these rights.
Black History Display
Black History Display
We had a discussion on who invented the traffic light system, Garret Morgan.