Category Archives: 1 Prof. Values & Personal Commitment

“I’ve gotten this far… I may as well finish it”

With the amount of times it has happened already, I should not really be surprised that the next area covered in Discovering Mathematics is another one that not only astounds me, but applies to me directly – and yet, my jaw is once again left near-enough dropped as I began to uncover Counter Intuitive Mathematics.

Story time – there’s a point I want to make, I promise. A few years back now in 2013, I downloaded an app from the App Store called ‘The Simpsons: Tapped Out’, which would turn into an addiction I would hold onto for some time after.

The premise of the game was fairly simple – you complete quests, build your ‘Springfield’ and level up. Special events would be held throughout (for example, at Halloween or Christmas) where for a restricted amount of time, there were limited items in the game you could unlock, should you manage to collect enough of the event currency. Like a lot of things, it was fun at first. Quite quickly, I became quite invested in the game and it became very much a part of my routine in a desperate frenzy to get every item possible. Eventually though, after spending a few years playing the game, I was ranking up my event currency from the latest update for the next prize when I began to reach a disheartening conclusion. This wasn’t enjoyable anymore – at all. All I was doing, was tapping for the sake of completion. Tap, gain points, tap gain points, and so on. I was not having fun, yet for some reason, I kept on playing. I continued on, with my mind thinking back to all the time (and real money at points!) I had spent on this game, and how I didn’t want any of it to go to waste. The game became much more a chore than a hobby, which is never enjoyable. In this scenario, there was no end.

Although the game is actually still going somewhat strong today (Musgrave, 2018), after several guilty return trips to the game, I did eventually leave the time-consuming annoyance behind. This experience however, is a personal example of the Sunk Cost Fallacy. I had a difficult time letting go of a past cost which could not be recovered. I felt defeated.

The video below features Julia Galef, who explains the Sunken Cost Fallecy in a relatable, and therefore understandable sense:

The decision to leave the game behind was a tough one, having accumulated so much and spent so much of my time and effort into. I had to make the decision that was best for me, and that meant slashing out the idea that should I continue to play, I would be gaining a non-existent hypothetical value. This links strongly to what is referred to as ‘Loss Aversion’.


As humans, we would much rather avoid losing than losing. Obviously. What is more interesting however, is that studies have shown that we would much rather avoid losing than winning (Kay, no date). For example, if I was to wake up one morning and find a £50 note in my driveway, I would be delighted and filled with excitement. If however, I was to come home one day after work and realise that I had lost an existing £50 note, my feelings of dismay and frustration would outweigh the former outcome.


Along with the Sunk Cost Fallacy, Kruger, Mirtz and Miller (2005) reference Loss Aversion as a reason to changing our answers. They refute against the expressions ‘go with your gut’ or ‘stick with your instincts’ that others such as Brownstein, Wolf and Green (2000) have made. They claim that that the majority of decision changes result in a win/correct answer. ‘The Monty Hall problem’ supports this statement with some admittedly at first glance perplexing, but fascinating mathematics.

Scenario – a gameshow tells you to pick a door. One has a car. The other two have goats. Whatever option you choose (A, B or C), the host will always show you where ONE of the other goats are. At this point, you are asked to stick or switch. Without analysis, it would appear that since one goat will be revealed and discarded, you now have a 50% chance of winning or losing either way – but this is incorrect! (Mitzenmacher, 1986).

Taken from Wikipedia

In fact, you have a much higher chance of winning the car if you switch. What took me time to get my head around personally was the fact that the odds do not change from 33.3(333333…..)% to 50%. They in fact shift over the remaining closed door (Mitzenmacher, 1986). Of course, a win is not guaranteed, but it is certainly more likely. On the well-established YouTube channel Numberphile, you can find a video which explains this in a lot more detail. Click here.

With similar links to my previous post on probability (which you can view here), we can take the basic concepts of percentages and chance and apply it to a much grander situation. This links into the idea of connectedness, one of four key properties that Liping Ma (2010) underlines as what an individual needs to have for a Profound Understanding of Fundamental Mathematics (PUFM). The options listed in the Monty Hall Problem feeds the second property, multiple perspectives – there are advantages and disadvantages for any outcome chosen, though the former will probably prevail over the latter due to the nature of the predicament. Likewise, different approaches can be made when it comes to The Sunk Cost Fallacy. That is, to continue on with something for your own perceived satisfaction, or leave it behind for the greater good – both of which at a cost of losing something (e.g. time money). The basic idea of loss aversion of course can have either small or catastrophic consequences – this is something recognised by Barclay’s in reference to investments.

Would it be fair to say that Maths makes our decisions for us? Of course not. But can it influence them? Most definitely. A PUFM will be extremely beneficial in relation to this aspect. From a personal standpoint, given the repetitive nature of The Simpsons Tapped Out, I am willing to bet I wasn’t the only one who had this experience. However, I am also willing to bet that some people may not have realised the process they are going through, or if they do, will fail to escape in an attempt to avoid perceived loss.


Big Think (2013) Julia Galef: The Sunk Cost Fallacy. Available at: (Accessed: 3 November 2018)

Brownstein, S., Wolf, I., and Green, S. (2000) Barron’s ‘How to Prepare for the GRE: Graduate Record Examination’. (14th edn.) New York: Barrons Educational Series Inc.

Kay, M. (no date) You can implement these tips to your site or you can keep losing subscribers every day. The story of loss aversion. Available at: (Accessed: 3 November 2018)

Kruger, J., Wirtz, D., & Miller, D. T. (2005). Counterfactual Thinking and the First Instinct Fallacy. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88(5), 725-735. Available at: (Accessed: 3 November 2018)

Ma, L. (2010) Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics. (Anniversary Ed.) New York: Routledge.

MindfulThinks (2017) Sunk Cost Fallacy And Why You Should Quit. Available at: (Accessed: 3 November 2018)

Mitzenmacher, M (1986) The Monty Hall Problem: A Study. Available at: (Accessed: 3 November 2018)

Musgrave, S. (2018) Best iPhone Game Updates: ‘Marvel Contest of Champions’, ‘Mines of Mars’, ‘Temple Run 2’, ‘Choice of Games’, and More. Available at: (Accessed: 3 November 2018)

mybarclayswealth (2016) Loss Aversion. Available at: (Accessed: 3 November 2018)

Images Used

Time + Commitment + Understanding = Success

Let me start off my saying the word ‘yes’. Yes, I am aware that we use maths everyday, whether that be in telling the time so you are not to miss your train, or working out the change you are due when paying for your bus early on a Monday morning. Whilst I am not in a place, nor do I want to be in a place, to speak for others, I find this obvious. Of course, we use maths everyday, even if we don’t necessarily realise it at the time of putting it into practice.

Initially, I am then left pondering the question “What exactly am I going to learn in this class?”. The module is titled ‘Discovering Mathematics’. In aid of finding out an answer, looked back on my personal experience of Mathematics – if one could call it that.

More so in the later stages of primary school, the most vivid memories I can recall of my maths ‘lessons’ was using the teacher’s best friend – TJ Textbooks. Complete a page, get it marked. Complete a page, get it marked. Complete a page, get it marked. That format changed very Image result for tj publishersrarely, and when it did, it usually followed the similar format of ‘complete the end of chapter assessment, get it marked’. Hence, going on placement last semester and seeing the range of ways Maths was taught was a bit of shock delight. One group having a lesson with the teacher on the carpet, one group digitally learning on the iPads, one group working independently, one group working through activities with the Teaching Assistant… but I digress. A variety of ways to support ones learning and understanding of number work was used on placement. For me personally, this was not the case. We were moving on topic by topic regardless. If you didn’t get it, maybe you would get moved down a group, where you would repeat the same work at a later date with the assumption that since you have been pushed back, the work is now doable.

Secondary school followed a similar experience, particularly in undertaking National 5 and Higher classes. There was so simply no time, in the teachers eyes, to flesh out the most interesting and engaging Maths lessons possible. Their prime focus, and rightfully so in my opinion given the circumstances, was to get us our qualifications. The teachers are at no real fault here. They have been given a deadline, which I experienced many times over, of content that needs to be in our heads by May. If it’s not, we fail. They don’t have the time to let us fully comprehend logarithms – partially evidenced by the fact that I have absolutely no idea in regards to their function or place in life outside of the Maths classroom, despite undertaking the Higher course twice.

My teacher, whom I will refer to us as Mrs. Says-It-How-It-Is, admitted to me very early on in 5th year (my first attempt of the Higher course) that she was fairly certain that me being able to cram enough of this content into my head with around 6 months until the exam was going to be an extremely difficult task. I remember being in-denial of this at the time, with the optimist inside me fighting through the course. I attended every study support possible, took my poor prelim score with a pinch of salt, worked tirelessly on past papers – yet I failed. I was devastated. What now? If my teacher knew I was going to fail since last Autumn, is anything achievable if someone already believes it’s a fool’s errand?

Image result for failure

Fast forward a year however and my facial expression of sadness and despair had turned right side up. I passed, with a grade B nonetheless. Upon re-visiting the school to thank my teacher, the simple and casual (to her) but powerful (to me) words she spoke to me have stuck with me ever since, and this module is an excellent place to shed some light on them:

“Some people just need a little big longer. For some, they need the two years.”

Okay… so what? Who cares, and why is this relevant? It’s relevant because of the message I took from it, and this relates to the importance of time allowance.

Liping Ma (pictured below) writes of four fundamental principles of mathematics:

  1. “Inter connectedness”Image result for maths liping ma
  2. “Multiple perspectives”
  3. “Basic ideas/principles”
  4. “Longitudinal coherence”

Like many subjects, especially Language, we are determined to inject the children with as much information as possible from the get-go. This is not to say building strong foundations isn’t important, however we get extremely worried if they are not reading to our expectations, or cannot recite their 8 times table off by heart at a young age.

Linking back into the four principles, if one is to properly adhere to them then slowing things down is one the best ways to do that. Let our classes have the time to understand the relationships between the different basic principles. Allow them to understand the role something plays in a mathematical process. Make it a mission for the youths to comprehend how something develops overtime. If we can’t do this, then there is an issue of the introduction of misconceptions and confusion. We as Primary Teachers are vital in perpetuating these ideas – because for the time being, secondary school staff (specifically those teaching senior school) simply can’t – quite literally.

As a second year student, I am far from knowing all the answers. Very far, in fact. Luckily however, I now have the one key thing I was babbling on about above – time. The Discovering Maths module is now a place of hope where I can not only get over my anxiety of maths, but really get to grips at how vital it is in everyday life – because I am willing to bet it’s far more than handling money and following an itinerary.  I now have a safe space to truly explore the diverse subject and hopefully gain an understanding of how on earth I am going be teaching it for the rest of my life.

Images used:

This blog post also references the first input on the Discovering Maths module given on 10/09/18 by Jonathan Brown. 

Author’s Note: Discovering Maths 1


Providing a Structure to Eliminate Fear – The Drama Lesson

Drama is one of the curricular areas in which many teachers fear teaching. They don’t want to take the risk that if they bring their class onto the school stage, chaos will erupt, and behavioural management becomes more difficult to implement than ever before. With these assumptions, I ask how are we to encourage children to take risks in their learning if we are not doing so ourselves? Dickenson and Neelands write about how it could convey the need for gender mixing and space and resource management.

This video provides a form of solution that teacher’s may exhibit when planning the drama lesson, and actually turn it round into one of the most exciting moments of the timetable.

Image result for drama

The first step is establishing an agreement The Drama lesson should always begin with an agreement. This is a necessity, as no individual can be forced into participating. As such, a negotiation can be put in place to encourage joining in. For those pupils who might struggle to do so, using drama techniques in the classroom may be an introductory method to aid them e.g. hot seating. According to Dickenson and Neelands, there are no shortcuts to strategy management, and the issues that need solved are likely to be magnified within Drama.The lesson conveners in the video use the ‘Three C’s’. If a problem were to occur, it’s likely the child facing it is either not communicating effectively, co-operation fairly, or concentrating fully. As teachers, we must be mindful that everyone in the Drama lesson must follow the agreed contract, and that when said contract is broken, everyone should be responsible for deciding the consequence. Consistency is key. Otherwise, what is the point of the contract being in place?  Warming up is obviously where the body is prepared for the forthcoming activity. What perhaps isn’t as glaring is that the mind is also being prepared, as the participants are beginning to differentiate from the Maths lesson they just had in the classroom 15 minutes ago. The video referenced above then conveys the importance of given the children a focusto perpetuate further development. Photographs were used as a stimulus to establish a clear focus. As the children take grasp of this, an allowance for deeper thinking of initial ideas is provided. Visualisation is where the teacher tells a story as children close their eyes, translating the teacher’s words into an imaginative picture in their minds. The soundscape is where the pupils become engrossed into their environment and they can begin to share what they hear and where these noises are originating from. This can link to other areas of the curriculum e.g. geography: the different features found in various environments. The bodyscape then allows pupils to create their own structure, using nothing apart from their own and their peers bodies. No props – but still lots of room for improvisation. As the room/hall falls silent, a simple tap on the shoulder from the teacher allows the pupils to voice their feeling: what are they thinking? After a lesson of active learning (not that active has to be moving around!), it’s vital that there is time and effort made to provide an evaluation, as a calming from the physical activity. This segment may include, though not visible, a self realisation for the children. During Drama, all strengths of a given group must be used, and so children may begin to rethink their opinions on their peers.

Image result for drama

References – all accessed 03/02/18

Text Content:
Dickenson, R & Neelands, J. (2006) Improve Your Primary School Through Drama. Oxon: David Fulton Publishers. – Chp.3: Getting Ready for Drama.




Year One Half Done – The Moment That Made Me Think

If I was asked to describe my first semester in University, I would do so by describing it as not what I expected, but eye opening and thought provoking nonetheless. I anticipated starting my Higher Education by delving straight into the pedagogy of teaching, however instead I was obliged to undertake two interdisciplinary modules with CLD and Social Work students, along with an elective module.

I’ve heard older students compare their first semester in Education as the trek before you really get to study what you came here to do. It’s true I came here to do teaching, however it became clear to me within a few weeks that the true purpose of these modules, in my opinion, was to provide the essential groundwork for students to be successful in their respective professions.

The art of digital technology is ever-growing, and in one of the two interdisciplinary modules, ‘Values: Self, Society and Professions’, we were encouraged to make use of gigantic world that is social media – specifically Twitter. Like most people who aren’t living under a rock, I already had a Twitter account. I decided however that it would be beneficial to me to make a professional account to keep my life in education and personal life separate (these two accounts have since merged, but the story I am sharing still stands).

One day whilst I was scrolling though my timeline, a saw a tweet from Good Morning Britain’s twitter account (@GMB), where they had shared a link to a debate that had aired on the program earlier that morning. The debate was linked to ‘racist cultural appropriation’, and referred specifically to the Disney character Moana.

Linking to the interview, I made what I thought was a simple comment. I stated that I didn’t see a problem with the issue what so ever. Although I have since deleted the tweet, I remember exactly what I wrote:

“Surely it’s just children dressing up as their favourite characters? Don’t see a problem here”.

Soon after I published the tweet, I received a reply that really did catch me off guard (this account will remain anonymous). I don’t remember the exact reply, but I do recall the message it was sending – my view is my own, however that doesn’t mean we should disregard the view of an other.

Undoubtedly, there are many matters in the world that an individual may not agree with. Perhaps, like me, they hadn’t really engaged with the issue at hand, and as a consequence, didn’t stop and think that their perspective on the situation would be different than someone else’s. I didn’t even have any evidence of arguments to support my tweet. I was just making a comment that I didn’t think anything would arise from. I was wrong.






Three Powerful Words – Race, Ethnicity and Discrimination

This post is a reflection from the Values: Self Society and the Professions lecture on Tuesday 26th September 2017 with Derek Robertson.

Summary of Events

Before the lecture began, we were all asked to write down our initial thoughts on the terms Race, Ethnicity, and Discrimination. These are all terms in which although I have heard numerous times, have never really looked up or thought of concrete definitions. For example, it was only until this exercise specifically that I realised that there is actually a substantial difference between the terms ‘Race’ and ‘Ethnicity’. Upon further thoughts, I came to the conclusion that ‘Ethnicity’ is more linked to your origins/ethnic ‘group’ – who you are associated with. In Hindsight, this seems obvious, but maybe I’m only thinking that because I have that definition in my bank of knowledge now. Discrimination was the term I understood best – I thought of it as ‘thinking and showing you are superior to another group of individuals’. Having not studied History past CfE level, it was eye-opening to see how these terms were used in the wider picture – specifically in America, as this was what was covered in depth during the lecture. During the second part of the lecture, we looked at ‘patriarchy’, which I admittedly knew little about. I actually knew about the concept pretty well. however did not know the official term to label it. Of course, blatantly obvious now, this is indeed ‘patriarchy’, where men assume dominance over women.

Reflection of Thoughts

With not a great deal of knowledge in regards to the definitions, I am very happy to now have these in my head, and when it comes to professional work in the classroom, and possibly other learning environments, this is going to be extremely beneficial in allowing me to become a well-minded teacher. Of course, I am not a historian, so there were also events shown in the lecture I was not aware of such as Emmett Till and Stephen Lawrence, so these will also help better my understanding of these issues.

“Why does he get that!?!” – Resource Allocation

This post is a reflection from the Values: Self Society and the Professions seminar on Tuesday 19th September 2017 with Derek Robertson.

Summary of Events

Everyone in the room was split into 1 of 5 groups. Each group was given an envelope of resources inside. Derek told us we were to use these resources (no personal items) to make something that a new first year education student would find useful. After planning, we were given around 20 minutes to do this. I was in Group 1 with around 6 others peers. During this time, Derek was very consistent in giving my group specifically praise for our ideas, frequently using the word ‘industrious’. This was something we were all proud of and happy to receive, however it wasn’t until the presenting stage of the seminar where the true purpose was revealed.

Each group presented their ‘pack’ (or whatever they had made) to the rest of the class, where it became noticeable that we had been given a lot more resources that e.g. Group 5, who had been given 3 or 4 items only. Derek almost ‘forgot’ about Group 5 when Group 4 has finished presenting. This was all done to conceive a message.


A lot of children will have a greater number of resources than others. This is something Primary School Teachers need to take into great consideration. Many pupils will come from different backgrounds to one and other. Even though they will sit side by side at their desks in the classroom, it is highly plausible that they are living different lifestyles outside of the school doors. Factors that affect this could include:

  • Parental status
  • Accommodation/Living arrangements
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Amount of time spent living in the area (have they moved around a lot?)

Being the first seminar for the module, I highly enjoyed the task we were given. This has made me excited for the rest of these seminars, and I am ambitious to learn new things along with them.