Monthly Archives: November 2016

Personal and Professional Values and Commitment- online unit 3

This task asked me to look at my own personal values and how they motivated me to choose this career path.

Questions like this are never easy for me……having to look beneath my first response I give when people ask me ‘why do you want to be a teacher?’. However, I see the importance in understanding my values before I enter my first professional practice.

I guess my first and core value is quality; in all aspects of life. However, in relation to teaching I believe (and so do the Human Rights) that everyone has the right to a good education regardless of their background. Therefore, I knew that this would be one of my core values in the classroom; that I would strive to ensure no child would be subject to stereotypes within education. However, when I began to look at this deeper I realised I couldn’t treat every child equally otherwise those disadvantaged would still be below others. This brings me onto my second value, the importance of equity. I realise now this is what really motivated me to become a teacher. Equality is all good and well in many situations but when you look at education equity is what is important. Equality in the classroom is vital to ensure individual’s abilities are not under estimated due to their race, gender, religion or social background etc. However, when looking at the way you educate children methods cannot all be the same. This would not be giving each child an equal chance to achieve. Here’s an example; teaching an English lesson exactly the same to every child is equality but not taking into consideration those in the class whose first language is not English means these children do not have a fair chance at achieving what the rest will. I want to ensure that throughout my career I stick by my value of equity and not only does every child have an equal opportunity to be educated but that all children have a truly equal chance to achieve. The picture below describes these concepts well…

Equality Versus Equity

There are also other values that I see as fundamental to me personally and in my professional career such as honesty, openness, wisdom and team work. Each of these are vital in teaching and I know my values and skill set will be exercised in this profession unlike others. Finally, the value sharing is very important to me; the sharing of knowledge.

Described above are my personal values yet it has been shown these can all be used in a professional setting. As I consider this more I am finding that within teaching there is a very thin line between personal and professional values. Obvious personal values such as religious views or stereotypical beliefs cannot be discussed within the classroom however the GTCS Standards For Registration outline the core values in teaching and much of these are personal. They include: Social justice, Integrity, Trust and Respect and Professional Commitment. This demonstrates that personal values are extremely important within teaching and I must continue to reflect on my own throughout my studies and career.

Moving on from this the final task brought everything together and asked me to look back on my weaker skills I identified in unit 1. I was then asked to make a personal commitment to developing these marking the beginning of my CPD (Continual Professional Development).

My commitment is to develop my academic skills mainly my reflective writing, spelling and punctuation skills. I plan on doing this by reading continuously especially reflective pieces and essay writing skills books. I look forward to re- evaluating this a year from now and making another commitment.

Reflection- Online unit 2

Reflection can mean many things and can be used in a variety of different ways. Today I will be discussing the types of reflection I will be using during my academic study and professional practice.

First of all, I’d like to clear something up… ..simply describing the situation/event IS NOT REFLECTION. Reflection involves looking at an experience and considering what you learnt from it. Here are some examples:

Independently one way in which everyone uses reflection is by considering the success or failure of your actions for example reflecting on a lesson you planned for your class. You will do this by calling upon your own experiences, emotions and beliefs related to the situation. You will then be able to note what went well, what you achieved and what you didn’t. However, it is vital you also look at things from others points of view to come up with the best next step. This leads me onto the next form of reflection…reflecting together.

Reflecting together can be in two forms. It can involve working together by comparing your beliefs to come up with a joint solution. You would do this by having a discussion with your class on what needed improving about the lesson. This allows you to gain new ideas and learn from the experience. It can also mean reflecting on feedback you have received. For example, looking at the feedback you were given on your last essay and thinking about how you can improve for your next one. This type of reflection also allows us to learn and in some cases, challenge our existing beliefs when hearing others opinions.

Both types of reflection result in a learning experience that can be put into practice in future (for example your next essay), you will then reflect again on this new situation and so the cycle continues. This then demonstrates that one of the best ways to learn is to constantly reflect on your practices.

Summary of why we should reflect –

·        Build theory from observations

·        Continually self-develop even if things are working fine

·        Help solve problems/ gain new ideas

·        Learn from mistakes/ challenge existing assumptions

·       To take control of your own learning

Top tips for reflection-

·        Do it immediately after the event

·        Reflect again after a couple of days

·        Ensure you look at the situation from different view points

·       Think about how your learning will affect your future practice

Overall this activity has helped me understand the importance of reflection and the different ways I can do it. I am keen to get into a good habit of reflection as I know it will be key in my future career therefore I will continue to work on my blog to develop my skills.

Following on from this the final task asked me to reflect on my understanding of various academic skills including: Punctuation; Spelling; Grammar and Shaping of text. The required reading (The Study Skills Book) gave me an insight into my strengths and weaknesses in these different areas. I have concluded that my strengths lie in shaping of a text and grammar whereas I am weaker in areas such as spelling and punctuation. I feel confident in paragraphing and sentence structure which will be useful for my academic writing. However I struggle with complex and less frequent punctuation along with uncommon spelling of words.  After reflecting on this I understand the importance of these skills for my academic study and my future Career therefore I will continue to develop these. I plan on doing this by practicing the Online Literacy Assessment – an online test the university created for students-  and using The Study Skills Book to revise the areas I am weaker in.

I will post soon about the effect this has had on my OLA score!

Managing and Engaging with my learning – online unit 1

Todays post is about how I plan on taking control of my own learning.

First I completed a task which asked me to look at what helps and what hinders my learning. I was then asked to write about I planned on using this information to make my studying practices more effective. Here is what I came up with…

What helps my learning? How can I utilise this?
Discussing with others ·        Meet with peers on my course out with class

·        Participate in online discussions

Planning ·        Plan when I will complete homework tasks

·        Set goals on completing reading

Organisation ·        Organising my notes into categories eg modules
Revision ·        Go over key terms and definitions until I  remember them
Using a variety of materials Use…

·        Books, Websites, Articles and videos

Visual aids ·        Use Flashcards
Experience ·        Learn and reflect on my practice


What hinders my learning? How can I address this factor?
Distractions ·    Study in a place with minimal distractions, eg alone
Long periods of study ·     Take regular breaks
Not being given examples ·     Take time after lectures to put facts into real life situations
Social priorities ·     Make time for study and social priorities
Fatigue ·      Having a good sleeping pattern and sticking to it
Obstacles ·       Ensuring I ask for help when I am struggling

The final part of the task asked me to reflect on the benefits of Active Learning and Co-operative Working.

I feel it would be good to start with an small description of the kind of things active learning entails. Opposite from passive learning, active learning involves engaging with your materials and sources. This could be done by re-writing your notes after a lecture into a way that makes more sense to you. For example dividing them into categories or linking them with real life examples. By doing this you are able to think about the subject in depth with more time than you would in during a lecture and add information. This is an obvious benefit of active learning as by the end of it you are left with a larger and more in depth set of notes which will be useful in assignment writing. Another way to actively learn is to describe you topic to another person. By doing this you are consolidating your knowledge and committing it to memory in a way that is simple enough to describe to others and therefore easy enough to remember. A final example of active learning asking yourself questions as you study or re-write notes. This allows you to analyse and evaluate your notes while making conclusions or comparisons again providing you with a more in depth understanding of the topic.

Moving onto co-operative working I have chosen 4 main benefits –  In a group task setting working together allows higher standards to be produced. This is because each person only has to focus on one area of the task rather than trying to complete it all. There is also benefits to working co-operatively in a discussion setting. By working together and discussing knowledge everyone in the group is able to learn new things and hear others opinions. This is particularly helpful when you are struggling with a certain area as there is usually always someone that can help. Another benefit is by passing on your knowledge to others in your group you are also consolidating your own knowledge. I believe if you are able to explain it to someone else this shows you understand it. Finally not only does working co-operatively provide a wider range of knowledge it also provides a collection of different skills.

I feel this activity has helped me understand how I can improve my study skills and has also introduced me to new methods I will begin to use.

Now to start unit 2……Wish me luck