MA1 Placement

I have chosen three goals from the SPR to work on throughout my first professional placement. I selected each goal for different reasons and hope that they will help me to focus my development as a practitioner.

My first goal is; They are developing their ability to make appropriate and consistent use of behaviour management strategies and approaches. SPR code – 3.3.2.

I chose this goal because I was concerned about my ability to control behaviour in the classroom. I feel it is an important part of a teacher’s daily job because if they cannot manage behaviour learning is interrupted for all other pupils. Therefore, I want to work on developing my authority and consistency when managing behaviour so that I can continue to provide a stable learning environment for my pupils.  I plan to use the school’s behaviour management policy to create my own step by step plan to use when a child is misbehaving. This will help me develop consistency. I will also carry out academic reading which will give me ideas to use in my practice. Overall I will reflect on my reading and practice weekly to help me to continue to improve.

My second goal is; Plans have an appropriate structure (recognisable beginning, middle and end). SPR code – 2.2.1. 

I chose this as one of my goals because I have identified the importance of good lesson planning when managing behaviour. Well structured and engaging lessons minimise behaviour problems, therefore this will aid me in achieving my first goal.  I also chose this because lesson plans are an important part of a teacher’s job. They ensure pupils are receiving the curriculum content in a structured and logical way.  I plan to seek advice from my teacher on my lesson plans and carry out academic reading. I will then reflect on this to help me develop for future lessons.

Finally, my third goal is; Evidence of students having worked to develop their own knowledge/ understanding/ skills in the areas they are to teach. SPR code –  2.2.1.

After discussing this goal with my tutor we came to realise this goal is very broad and may be quite difficult for me to tackle. Therefore she suggested I choose a specific area of the curriculum to focus on. I decided to pick mathematics as this is a core subject within the primary school and also features in many other areas of the curriculum. I will be looking into academic reading and policy documents to help me broaden my knowledge of mathematics which I can then apply in the classroom.

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